just another tangent!

Jul 09, 2011 01:36

girl's day's comeback makes me really happy.
wrong comeback gif, but i couldn't find a new one, lmao
HUG ME ONCE: sure, it is kind of suffocating-ly cute, but i really, really like it. i love girl's, even if they aren't that popular because i think all of them can actually sing ): esp. my bias in the group, sojin. SOJIN, I LOVE YOU. sigh. i even made a sojin icon, which didn't turn out so well, but i will still love her. all the comebacks in my personal opinion this weekend were pretty amazing. hyunah, CSJH, HTHGURWIHGWKHGWLKE. dana and sunday, you guys are pro. seriously, even though i don't know a lot about the group, i know that they are definitely one of the best vocally, hands down. hyunah did pretty well too. her singing is good live. but, the girl's day comeback coulda been better. sojin esp. was really breathy. l, i'm ranting, anyways.

i did not get to see transformers 3. but, I AM SEEING IT TOMORROW. expect some update on that.

my summer is also going pretty amazing. i've been hanging out with my friends, who i have come to realize, will probably not stick with me in college. we'll lose touch ): ofc i don't want to, but the way things are going, i just feel like it will. but that's just personal, so whatever.

i watched heartstrings. i don't know what i feel about it. but i do know it makes me miss yonseo. a lot. ugh.

i've also been watching running man a lot. and LIZZY AND JOKWON KISSED ON ALL MY LOVE <3333 fghafglwa. yes. yesyesyes. lizzy <3 i am also excited to see what the as units ar.e. whatever it is, i hope lizzy is in the sexy one. i also kind of want jooyeon in the sexy one too, just to see, but she'll prob do better in the cute one. even though her aegyo was a fail on invincible youth.

anyways, scribble because i'm still partially unproductive, and i hope one of these will help me write something good enough. i plan on writing another three shot. if anyone has any suggestions, let me know!

1. i was watching some interview by akp with girl's day. sojin said she likes guys who like hiphop. which, nevertheless, inspired me to write this.

Jonghyun wishes he was a thug, because apparently, Sojin is into that now. He remembers when she was into guys who played the acoustic guitar and not ones who could spit words like fire. Maybe that is why she has been eyeing Yonghwa lately, because he can do both of those things. Except sometimes he just spits, but whatever. Jongun decides not to mention that he watched that interview on that american kpop site. She would probably think it's creepy.

So, he takes a different approach.

"Do you like guys like Simon D?" Jonghyun asks, staring at her.

"What? Simon D? Doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

"Yes. But, if he didn't, would you like him?"

"No. Where did you get that from?"

"I don't know. But I am pretty good friends with him. If you wanted to date him, he would probably go for it, you know, leave Lady Jane in the dust," This is a lie. Jonghyun doesn't really know if this is true, but, he says it anyways. Sojin frowns.

"Okay. Since when do you like hip hop?"

"Since when do you watch interviews?"

"I watch your interviews! Now, answer the question!"

"Since forever!"

"Sojin! You dated me!" He points out, wondering if she forgot. Jonghyun is the polar opposite of anything baggy pants and bling.

She blinks a few times and just cracks a smile. "Oh, right. You're jealous, aren't you?"

Jonghyun only coughs. He stares for a minute, pondering on the words that should next leave his mouth. She's twiddling her thumbs around each other, waiting patiently.

He digresses.

"So, I like your haircut."

fail of an ending, but just one of those random scribbles of the sojo couple (yeah, couple name!)

2. lizzy/people. because i love her. just these random bits of everything.

"Was that your first kiss?" Jinah asks with her brows raised high. Her lips are pulled into a smile. There's something about Jinah's features that always makes her smile look a bit devious, or maybe it just is. Lizzy isn't really sure, but Raina is leaning over the edge of the table, as if she is going to whisper her answer.

"What? The one I filmed with Jokwon?" She asks.

Jinah nods and Raina bites down on her lip.

Lizzy laughs, "No."

The two of them gasp and Lizzy merely frowns.

"You just seem so innocent," Raina explains. Jinah merely snickers.

"I hope you know all the adam and eve shippers are going to hate you. Sucks."


okay, so, on running man, HER AND JONGKOOK ALWAYS STAND NEXT TO EACH OTHER. i wish i had a picture, but iunno. it is random. i know this reason is unbelievably lame, and they probably just have some cute sibling relationship, but i noticed it. so, i just wrote about it. i also feel like, if they wanted, they could've been something like the monday couple. BUT, then again, she is nineteen and .. he is thirty five.

"Oppa, you're really scary," Lizzy admits.

Jongkook blinks and looks down at her. She's short, but tall for a female. It is because she is apart of after school, hands down. His heart rate doesn't increase at the fact that she's standing so close. His is hardened by muscle, after all.

"Am I? Well, that's good, that's why everyone is afraid of me," He states the obvious. Her nose scrunches.

"But really!  The way you run so fast and everything! It is awesome!" She exclaims with hand motions and her thick Busan accent. His parted lips crack into a smile. Lizzy rests her hand on his forearm.

"You're awesome!" Lizzy yells out. Joongkook's eyes turn into these crescent moons, and it just shows how flattered he is.

He just laughs and lazily places his arm around her shoulders, "You're just saying this so I won't catch you as quickly in the next game. Isn't that it?" Jongkook huffs before winking at her.

Lizzy grins, a bit devious, "You know me so well! But seriously, I want the running ball for once. Deal?" She sticks out her pinky.

He locks his with hers. "Deal."

and i'm probably going to update this with the rest of my scribbles etter, which include hyohae, pll, and other random things. none of this is spelled check, btw.
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