holyff, scribbles and rants

Jun 29, 2011 15:03

HFUIHRFKJWFGGBWG. i write so many things that i will never finish, not because i don't know, but because they're just stupid. okay, so mostly because i also don't know how to finish, tbh. but then again, why did i ever start it in the first place. i'll get like three really good sentences and then i deadpan into little tiny pieces of nothingness. ( Read more... )

summer, snsd, girl's day, cn blue, after school, nonsense, wips, stuff, ranting, f(x), boredom, mblaq, more stuff

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bollywoodrecord June 29 2011, 21:08:32 UTC
Can you even spot on stuff like this? I don't know, but I just did.


withoutchange June 29 2011, 21:33:26 UTC
i don't even know. this is nonsense though, hahahaha.


SJDJDLALANDNUEIWLANSDJEUWKS bollywoodrecord June 29 2011, 21:53:44 UTC
There's so much I have to say to this in response and I have no idea why I have to say it but whatever ( ... )


DHWKJDHQWJKDHQWL!? withoutchange July 1 2011, 04:23:15 UTC
i like it when you have lots of things to say! it gives me lotsa stuff to respond to.

okay, megan fox, fhkjahgjlghg. i liked her better in jennifer's body, i'll give her that. OMG NO I HAVE NOT HEARD WOOYOUNG'S ELECTRICITY SONG. HOLYSHHHH, i need to listen to that. wooyoung looks so so so HOT in hands up, i can't even.

i really hate that, not knowing what to do with what you have written. it is really weird and really frustrating because you know it could go somewhere remotely interesting, but at the end, it doesn't. and it's like, wtf ( ... )


DJDJSOWLSDJFUEKAM bollywoodrecord July 1 2011, 05:19:12 UTC
HOW HAVE YOU NOT HEARD ELECTRICITY OMG OMG OMGGGGG GO LISTEN TO IT AND THEM TELL ME YOU AGREE EVERYONE'S VOICE IS DJSKSLALSN sexy Yeah, Wooyoung's my 2PM bias, forever and always. Who's yours? Aaand, I see we both love Krystal even though everyone seems to hate her but whatever gosh she's so freaking omigosh beautiful and amazing. /spazz ( ... )


Re: DHWKJDHQWJKDHQWL!? bollywoodrecord July 1 2011, 05:20:45 UTC
OMG AND I TOTALLY FORGOT TO TELL YOU I'm writing JongSun (is that their name? Jonghyun/sunny?) au and aksksldkdkd can't wait for you to read it.


Re: DHWKJDHQWJKDHQWL!? withoutchange July 1 2011, 07:28:46 UTC
WTF MY WHOLE COMMENT WAS IN ITALICS. i am sorry. anyways, i shall respond to this when it is not 3:30 am hguagh;


Re: DHWKJDHQWJKDHQWL!? withoutchange July 1 2011, 07:32:38 UTC
wait, no, i'll just respond now. i have some sanity left in me.

Wooyoung is, HANDS DOWN /punny, my 2pm bias. because he is a dork and his the santi king and i love his dorkiness to death. i think that explains it all.

and LOLOLOLOL. you made my week, i'm definitely calling them Sojo <3333 i love you!

bekah wants to become a designer as far as i know and she is moving back to hawaii.

i have to comment properly on why i love krystal and how i agree that krystal is probably the only one to hurt someone. i think victoria has it in her to, tbh.

i do like seokyu better, or, the concept of their relationship better hahahahahaha. IT MAKES SENSE, i shall explain .. some other time. but yongseo is just shoved in my face all the time i can't help it.


ok, i'm sorry i lied. i'm not that sane right now hahaha


Re: DHWKJDHQWJKDHQWL!? bollywoodrecord July 9 2011, 06:01:19 UTC
WHOA HOW DID I NOT REPLY TO THIS? sorry for my late response XD

wooyoung is dmxisalsnxns gosh. if i could marry one kpop idol, it would no doubt be him. there is an extreme love for him in my heart /shot by fangirls

actually, now that you mention it, i guess i could see victoria too. but only in the type of way that seohyun would hurt someone, you know? idek XD yeah, i don't really care what people say about krystal anymore. she's just awesomness all around in my eyes.


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