List of Star Ocean Magazines

Nov 20, 2009 17:30

I want to collect magazines that have Star Ocean articles, but it's so hard when you can't even check the sources yourself. I have to go to various news sites and guess which volume they came out in based on when the picture was taken, or look at every magazine covers to see if SO was lucky enough to be mentioned on it. Sometimes they're not on the cover and/or new site don't cover them so I'm screwed. ;_;

So far I have *most* of the SO4 International ones located... I'll update this list as I find more.

週刊ファミ通 (Weekly Famitsu)
✗ 2009/05/29 - SO4
✗ 2009/06/04 - SO:BS Mobile
✗ 2009/10/01 - SO4 International
✗ 2009/11/19 - SO4 International
✗ 2009/12/02 - SO4 International
✗ 2009/12/17 - SO4 International

ファミ通 PSP + PS3
✓ 2010/02 - SO4 International

電撃Playstation (Dengeki Playstation)
✓ 2009/10/09 - SO4 International (Eleyna + Meracle art)
✓ 2009/11/13 - SO4 International (Edge + Reimi art)
✓ 2009/12/11 - SO4 International (Faize + Lymle art)
✗ 2010/01/15 - SO4 International (???)
✓ 2010/01/29 - SO4 International (Group art)
✓ 2010/02/12 - SO4 International (???)

電撃ゲームス (Dengeki Games)
✓ Vol 1 - SO4 International (???)
✓ Vol 3 - SO4 International (art from IU artist, Faize + Lymle art)
✓ Vol 4 - SO4 International (???)
✓ Vol 5 - SO4 International (???)

電撃「マ)王 (Dengeki Maoh)
✓ 2009/06 - First chapter of SO2 Second Evolution manga + Comic & Character Fiesta booklet

star ocean 4, star ocean 2, star ocean bs, star ocean 1, collections

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