Pixiv Tutorial

Nov 21, 2009 14:50

This was mostly made for Maiji, but maybe others will find it useful as well? XD

Signing Up

1. Go to http://www.pixiv.net
2. Click on the orange box that says "Sign up for Pixiv!"
3. Enter your email and click the orange box
4. Click the orange box to the right to confirm your email
5. Check your email inbox and click on the link in the mail you just got
6. Fill out the form!

*pixiv ID: your PixivID
*パスワード: password (between 6 and 32 characters long)
*パスワード: re-enter password
*ニックネーム: name you want displayed on your profile
HPアドレス: website address
*性別: gender (女 is female)
血液型: bloodtype (hahah XD)
*住所: location (just pick whatever XD)
*生まれた年: year of birth
*誕生日: [month]月 [day]
*職業: occupation (just pick whatever again)
*自己紹介: self-introduction
* are required
Dropdown menus: the first option is 'public', the second is 'MyPix' (only those who are on your 'MyPix' list can see the info) and the third is 'private'

7. Click confirm at the bottom and yay, you now have an account!!

Navigation bars
HomeHelpUser SearchLogout
Middle: (on your home page)
HomeArtwork uploadArtwork managementBookmarksMessagesAccount edit
Middle: (on someone else's page)
User's pageUser's artworksUser's bookmarksSend messageAdd user to bookmarks*Add user to MyPix*
* Bookmark = watch list, MyPix = friend list

Enabling view/search of 18+ rated artworks:
Under your home page, go to 設定変更 (Account edit). You'll find the 7th row that says this:

閲覧制限 年齢制限作品(R-18) [ ]表示する  [ ]表示しない
Select 表示する (left option) to enable PORN. XD You'll be given another option, which is グロテスクな作品(R-18G) (Guro/Gore), so pick whichever you want. :D;;

In the text box above the middle navigation bar, type in keywords to find artworks that have been tagged. Some use a variety or barely any tags on their artworks, so you'll have to search various terms.

For DiasxClaude stuff, they can be found under:
And maybe:
You can combine several keywords (separated by spaces) to narrow your search, but it's not recommended unless it's a really broad term with 50+ pages. XD; But you can put "クロード ディアス" so you know you get them together. XD

Artwork Page
When you click on a thumbnail, you get to this page:

HAVE FUN!!! If you have any questions, let me know. :D


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