i went to hagerstown 2 days ago, and went to the same place where i slept in the day time waiting for rachel to get out of school. i tried looking into her house, but i wasent sure if it was still her fathers house, and it turns out that it was.
the field is very overgrown but theres still room for me to sleep
this cold time has been good so far. the show on the creek was one of my favorites. everyone played really really good. and it was really short and cold. and then recording with drug money and getting new pants and going to see vikings and algernon cadawaller was really good. i like seeing bands that i listen to sooo much and i need to do that
yesterday when i was walking into town with alex it looked like hagerstown. but then it didnt because i was too used to the things i was seeing to see them differently. i got sick but i supposed i expected it!