> Introduce the stupid comic.
This began as just an attempt to contribute to the many awesome fancomics people did for how the Eridan vs. Sollux throwdown went down. I expected maaaaybe 12 panels for this. I got 30 somehow. Um, extremely image heavy and I apologize in advance. Characters are not mine, just borrowed from Andrew Hussie. Link at the bottom to the original source material.
OTHER CREDITS: Music by the amazing
azremodehar, background for Fef's room from
Dozaloz on Deviantart. MAKE HIM PAY
[S] Make Him Pay ======>
oh gog no
> this wasn't supposed to happen - she wasn't supposed to get hurt
fef please be okay please
> please
> Make him pay.
cA: fef wwhy
cC: Don't ask me t)(at. Don't act like you don't know. Look w)(at you did to Sollux!!
cA: hes just a fucking gutterblood its his fault for acting like hes wworthy of
cC: you wreck everyt)(ing about my life t)(at isn't about YOU! My w)(ole life )(as been entirely about making sure your body count is AS LOW AS POSSIBL-E! OUR -ENTIR-E RAC-E IS DOWN TO TW-ELV-E, AND YOU STILL MANAG-E TO CULL IT FURT)(-ER W)(-EN I L-EAV-E YOU ALON-E! I. CAN'T. DO. IT. ANYMOR---E!
cC: -Even if t)(e rest of my life is minutes, it's MY LIF-E NOW!!
cC: "w)(y?" "W)(Y"?
cC: because I loat)(e you.
[S] Dynasty That Wasn't ======>
> He's gone. They both are.
> And soon, you will be too.
> You aren't okay with a lot of things, but you're surprisingly okay with this. It isn't a bad way to go. As long as the others can go on and survive, you think you did a pretty decent job for an empress that never was.
> And it isn't like yours would be the first dynasty that imploded between a clash of the matesprit and kismesis alignments.
> ... Huh, that's kind of funny. You did feel something more vibrant for that jerk after all... it just wasn't the quadrant he wanted.
[S] Waking Dream ======>
tA: feferii- feferii, calm down, you're ok.
tA: thank gog, two, becau2e iit wa2 a paiin two get here.
cC: You're okay! AGAIN! T)(ANK GOODN-ESS!
tA: ye2, we're all ok, but we have two get back a2 2oon a2 po22iible. the other2 need u2.
cC: ... all?
> oh hell no
> OK fine
tA: feferii, 2top! don't do thii2! iif you kiill hiim thii2 tiime, iit'2 for keep2, and we need all of u2 two 2tand a chance agaiin2t the black kiing!
tA: plea2e, feferii, thiink of the re2t of u2!
tA: thiink of me!
> You realize Sollux is right, of course. That's one of the reasons why you like him as much as you do. He thinks ahead about things like this.
> No matter how much you hate Eridan right now, he's still one of the last pieces of home left, one of your oldest friends, and... you'd never forgive yourself if you killed him for real. Not to mention the others will need him, his strength. If you can't do this for them, what kind of empress would you have made?
> ... that doesn't mean it hurts any less.
> How much he claims to care about you.
> How little he actually does.
tA: come on, let'2 go. ii know the way.
> Go win this thing.
> oh hell yes.
> HOME[stuck]