In the spirit of
wicked_visions and the amazing Harry Potter House Icons, I bring you... Percy Jackson Demigod icons! I've included all of the Olympians and Hades. Hera and Hestia have been included because Hera isn't fooling anyone as far as 'never cheats on her husband', and Hestia is just cool. Maybe we could make something like the Hunters of Artemis but for Hestia. The Bros of Hestia? idk. I wanted everyone to be included.
95 total icons below the cut.
001 002 003
004 005 006
007 008 009
010 011 012
013 014 015
016 017 018
019 020 021
022 023 024
025 026 027
028 029 030
031 032 033
034 035 036
037 038 039
040 041 042
043 044 045
046 047 048
049 050 051
052 053 054
055 056 057
058 059 060
061 062 063
064 065 066
067 068 069
070 071 072
073 074 075
076 077 078
079 080 081
082 083 084
085 086 087
088 089 090
091 092 093
094 095
Created with
Icon Table Generator @
004-006 Mae West quotes
007, 013, 019, 026, 034, 040, 048, 055, 063, 068, 073, 085, 094 Firefly
009 Lady Gaga Boys Boys Boys
010 Fallout Boy Snitches and Talkers get Stitches and Walkers
012, 045, 046
mythologiced018, 078, 081 a certain propaganda poster
033 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
036 John Keats
038 Shakespeare
042 The Lonely Island Like A Boss
052 Alfred Hitchcock
053 Jean Baptiste Dubos
054 William Ross Wallace
058 Field of Dreams
062 Mmmmm. Beckendorf.
066 William Congreve, paraphrased for space
069, 070 A highschool friend of mine who was the very definition of a Hermes kid.
072 Labyrinth
079 Sky High
080 Finding Nemo
083 Rip Tom
089 John Allen
091 Aliens, paraphrased
Comments would be lovely but not required, credit would be shiny so people know where you got your icon. Either
withloveonly (fanwork journal) or
vaultedthewall (primary journal) are OK.
Also, yes, if anyone has any suggestions I'm taking requests. If you can find me a good photo of a statue/ancient artwork of a minor god I'll make those in a matched set too, I just basically used the wiki images for each God.