(no subject)

May 28, 2012 22:39

Dear hockey media: Marty Brodeur is 40 years old. He's not 110. I realize he's not a butterfly goalie, but good grief. A couple of guys were talking today about how he *gasp* STACKED HIS PADS the other night. As if that's the way they tended goal back in ANCIENT EGYPT or something.

Also, do we have to call short-handed goals "shorties?"

Larry's the one who talked me into staying in Pgh this weekend, and now he keeps writing me emails about how much he wishes we were in C'bus. But I've been very productive, changing fish tank water, pulling weeds, trying to power wash, re-potting Adam's plants, cleaning bathrooms. Lois is having Erin's shower June 16th and I need to make the house look like somebody still lives here.

Today was was one of those days. I knocked things over, dropped whatever I picked up, and nothing I turned on worked.

I spilled my coffee this morning. It's amazing how a little bit of coffee spreads out to so many places.

I lost Horace's tags. I clipped his leash to the flimsy little ring that held his tags instead of the d-ring on his collar. Of course that was the one and only time this week that he decided to take off running. The leash pulled the ring off, the tags went flying, and apparently they're still hiding in the grass.

Neville has been sick. He's feeling better tonight, but. I just got the kitty diarrhea out of the beige carpet in Adam's room. I walked in there today and found FIVE spots of doggie diarrhea. What is it about that room?

The power washer stopped working - I think it's the plug.

My computer is running so slooooowly. It's making me nuts.

I got the link for people to make reservations at one of the wedding hotels the day after the invitations went out. Since Erin refuses to have a wedding website, oh, well.

On a positive note, Horace went home tonight.

I love the way hockey players are always talking about whether or not they're having fun. Because that's a legitimate aspect of their jobs.

I finished my super_disney story. Good thing, since my posting date is tomorrow. It didn't turn out in the least the way I expected it to. I had a very definite idea in my head, and it just kept going in a different direction. When it goes up tomorrow, it'll be my 100th story at AO3. *throws confetti*
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