(no subject)

May 25, 2012 20:42

While there are potentially 9 more hockey games this season, there are possibly only 5 more, so I guess I'd better watch this one. I am very confused as to if I care or who I care about, so I guess I'll just watch it and see what happens. I have lots of reason to like the Rangers, but every time the Devils score, I smile. And then I look at Lundqvuist and I feel terrible! The poor Rangers are just so tired. If only Rangers fans didn't hate Sidney so much...

The closed captioning on my TV is OFF. I've checked it a dozen times. However, it's still showing, but only on NBCSp, where I am *trying* to watch a hockey game. No other channel. It's very annoying, right there in the middle of the ice.

I changed my mind about going to C'bus this weekend. There'll be lots of traffic, and Horace whines in the car, and I just got home and I'm tired of driving, and I have things I could do here. Like, power-wash the sidewalk. Anything sounds better than getting back in the car. Although at least the dogs will let me listen to whatever I want radio/music-wise, unlike Lois, who never got the basic Winchester road trip message about drivers, music, shotgun and cakeholes.

Eeuucchh, this has got to go was a frequent refrain last week. And I could only listen to NHL Home Ice when she was napping.
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