(no subject)

Feb 24, 2012 09:36

I did it. It's done and posted. I ended up being very happy with it. I'm still not sure what impulse drove me to claim The Apple Dumpling Gang, seriously, such a ridiculous movie, and not really in a good way. I dumped about ten characters and five subplots, and like I said, ended up loving this Jared and Jensen very much. I had great fun with the research, too. Did you know that in the old West, when you ordered whiskey in a saloon, chances are it was laced with turpentine or maybe gunpowder? I'm thinking that's why they called it rotgut. Also, most saloon girls weren't prostitutes, they were just there to give the men some company, that's all.

Anyway, Larry's coming home today. He's all excited about furnishing his house, which he gets the keys to next Wednesday. He's staying in his apartment until the end of March, so there's time, but he's a busy doctor, you know, so we have to get this done. Someone he used to work with's mother died and we're going to the viewing Sunday, about an hour or so away from here. The sun room guys are still working, and Larry's been writing me emails like "Are they actually working, or did they start and then just not show up again?" and "Are they actually fixing any of the problems?" and "How much is this going to cost me?" which are annoying the crap out of me. They're so very nice and doing such a good job and he'd better not show up here and be critical.

I've been eating a high protein diet because of all the weight training I'm doing, and P90X warns you that it both depletes your energy and makes you crabby, and if it does, to back off and eat more carbs. I'm thinking I need to spend the morning carbo-loading in preparation for Larry's arrival.

Speaking of the sun room guys, they're too funny to listen in on. This is Western PA, so they're all big deer hunters. One of the guys has a daughter in high school who's also an avid hunter, and the other day he was talking about how she got her first deer this past fall (a real rite of passage around here) and how excited she was and what her favorite gun was, and in the next breath he was talking about taking her to the mall to buy clothes and get her hair done and it cost him $250! He seemed equally proud of both of those things, and it was adorable.

Now that I finished the J2 Everafter story, I have two episodes of Revenge and one Criminal Minds to catch up on. Also The Amazing Race and probably other stuff I didn't watch in my writing frenzy/guilt. I'm going to have to spend the time filling out Save the Date cards for the wedding. That's one of my assignments and I need to get them out soon.

Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing! dine, the Mr. Big Deals arrived yesterday. Thank you! So yummy and just what I needed. :)
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