fanfiction; tvd (elena)

May 11, 2012 15:14

For softly_me's tvd comment ficathon part 4

Prompt: Elena - and then i ran like hell.

Title: Now, We Live
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Characters/Pairing: Elena(/Stefan/Damon) + Katherine
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 206
Disclaimer: I do not own TVD.
Summary: She wakes up. She runs.

Notes: Spoilers up to Episode 3x22.


There are no discussions, no long talks of if or when. Elena wakes up and the hunger overtakes her. She grabs the first human she sees, bites hard and deep. She is not even sorry, though something tickles her brain, tells her she should be. But her conscience fades away even as Stefan pulls her first victim from her lips. His eyes are filled with sadness. Damon’s sparkle with pride.

Her boys are a lot less shiny from the other side. All the cracks and imperfections are magnified. She sees the places where they are broken. They don’t seem nearly as strong as she remembers them to be. These boys that were once her world now feel heavy, like anchors tethering her down. Their arms are open, waiting for her to fall into them. They don’t even consider that she won’t.

Oh, how predictable she had become.

So she runs. She pushes past them and away from them. Leaves the hospital. Leaves the town. Leaves her boys standing with empty arms.

It doesn't take long; Elena finds her because blood calls to blood and it’s hers that crashes in Elena's veins, pounds in her ears. Blood is what matters now. She finds Katherine because that is what every fiber of her being tells her to do.

Well, it took you long enough, Katherine says.

What now? Elena asks. She is tired of making choices. She’s made enough for a lifetime.

Katherine pushes the hair from Elena’s face, wipes away the speck of blood on her lip.

Now, baby, we live.

television: the vampire diaries, !writing: fanfiction, !writing

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