Recapping 2010, New Resolution for 2011

Jan 01, 2011 21:11

2010 flew by just like that. A blink of an eye and we are already in 2011.


  • made a job switched which I think is one of the best move so far. My manager is one of the most dynamic woman who made a huge impact in my career progression. I am really grateful for her friendship and guidance. Although she has moved on, wishing her all the best in her new career!
  • bought my 1st LV bag, Gucci shades and Chanel studs. haha I maybe a late bloomer but it's better late than never. :)
  • Fitness wise, I have been committing well to the weekly yoga sessions.
  • 4 students to tutor = more money to go into the savings account
  • made new friends, The Tuesday Girls! you girls are awesome and many more years to come!

  •  I got married (registered in the eyes of Singapore Law) to the finest man on earth who takes all my nonsense and mood swings
  • Better understanding and loving each other more each day
  • Decided on our wedding venue and paid the deposit
  • Bali in July
Rest and Relax like the royalty, loved the villa with private pool
  • Bangkok in Nov
Shop, Shop and Shop!
  • Melaka in Dec
Short Trip to Melaka with hubby's company. definitely not one of the best trip but hubby is always there to make it better

All in all, 2010 has been a blast!
2011 resolutions

  • to shed 10-15 kgs to look absolutely HOT for my upcoming wedding shots
  • to lead a healthier lifestyle
  • to work really really hard for a promotion next year
  • to save and have at least 50k for our new home and the upcoming wedding
Not a far fetched list of resolutions and I am aiming to achieve all of them in 2011~

Happy New Year to all!

P.S I really should work on the backlogs of posts. >.
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