
Aug 02, 2005 08:03

I can't believe I am updating this at 8am! It's holiday.....I should still be a-bed (cries). Doesn't help that Chris is working today and we had to get up at the usual time (at least till the tubes all get back to normal) of 5.30am. Still, I have much running about to do today, so can't really sit here that long! Tom is out on an excursion all day and I have to take him to the collection point (which is his  old school!) then Emily wants me to drop her off in town to meet friends, which will leave me with a WHOLE morning on my own! BLISS! I shall get me some chocolate, have a coffee, read the paper, come on here later and see if anyone I know is about (probably won't be) and chill till they all come back!

Been using the afternoons for painting. Can't do any more at the moment though as I have run our of waxes. I ordered some new ones, but they haven't arrived yet! How frustrating! Anyway, I took that last experiment a stage further and tried waxing on stretched canvas. It's very different to waxing on encaustic card. You get much more texture. Once dried you have to seal it with an acrylic sealant too, or it will scratch easily, but at least it doesn't really need framing (which will save on cost) if you use a box canvas, though you have to paint all the edges as well! For this one I decided on a pagan theme and used the Uffington White Horse  ( http://www.hows.org.uk/personal/hillfigs/uff/uffing.htm ) as my main image. It's a place very dear to me and is well worth a visit! The painting measures 14 x 18 inches, so was too big to scan, so I had to make do with a photo, which unfortunately doesn't show up all the finer detail. The dots that you can make out are in bronze and silver and there are images of cave art in the background. Anyway, though you'd like a little peek, so here it is.

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