New political artwork...

Sep 18, 2008 00:25

Major party convention podiums:



1st image: Days 1-3, Democratic National Convention. (source: 129 images)
2nd image: Days 1-3, Republican National Convention. (source: 146 images)
3rd image: Day 4, DNC, Obama's acceptance speech. (source: 92 images)
4th image: Day 4, RNC, McCain's acceptance speech. (source: 70 images)

These images are composite-photo studies of the podiums used during the Democratic and Republican national conventions.  They were created by aligning and then averaging found-photos of the objects in question.  Given the acute awareness of image exercised by both major parties, I thought their respective podiums might be interesting points to examine.

Podiums.  Props for propping-up prospective presidents or perhaps puppets...

Uhg... sorry about that last line, I really need to get some sleep.

artwork, gop, mccain, obama, election, politics, dnc

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