Zombie World Trade Center

Sep 11, 2008 12:31

This isn't exactly a new piece, but given the date (and the recent use of 9/11 as a political device at the RNC), I felt it was appropriate to re-post it.

If I may be allowed to quote myself from sometime last year:

I completed this piece in late September, 2006. At the time, I had been thinking about the use of fear as a tool, and how the Bush administration had developed a habit of invoking 9/11 whenever they needed support. The more I contemplated this tactic, the more it felt like a B-movie horror flick, where the monster suddenly reappears every time the audience thinks it's safe.
It is my sincere hope that no one is offended by the piece. The intent, of course, is to point out an under-handed (but all too common), political practice: the use tragic events to terrify the public into compliance. It's a bit of a re-hash at this late date, but hopefully also a useful reminder that we should question anyone who uses fear as a reasoning device.

artwork, wtc, 9/11, politics, foto

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