Blast from the Past: Barleygate

May 14, 2012 15:38

This is from circa 3 years ago. I'm reposting it as a kind of exercise in looking back over certain events, and examining them with fresh eyes.

I'd like opinions on the text under the cut, which is long.

Without my roommates bitching at me for talking about it.

Now granted, in the past I haven't been the best about cleaning up after myself. (after a particularly notorious incident where I made dinner, including homemade barbeque sauce, then forgot to clean the dishes for a couple of days due to work and internet distraction...yeah, I'm bad)

However once it was pointed out to me that I did this-very shortly after said incident, along with the knowledge imparted that we apparently had mice-I clamped down on myself and began to consciously clean up after myself. And I did well for a couple of months.

Cut to last week.

It's Tuesday evening, and I've been working literally since the Thursday before straight, with one more day to go before I have off for a day. I've been getting up at 4:30 in the morning every day that I've worked, with not even the strength to make dinner at night. (ask gavyn_lumier)

I finally haul my butt downstairs, along with one of my roommates, and microwave a bowl of soup in a plate/bowl not unlike this one. The soup has barley in the bottom, about half of which I eat and the other half I do not.

I drink the broth, and talk with my roommate when she gets a call and answers it. As she's talking, I look to the clock and realize it's 10:15 and I need to be up, once again, at 4:30.

I tell her I'm going to bed and she reminds me to put the tupperware container of soup in the fridge. I do so, then walk out of the room and upstairs, collapsing in bed shortly thereafter, never realizing I've left the bowl out on the table.

I wake up the next morning, in a fairly good mood which was a change from the night before. I get dressed, open my room door and find the bowl on the floor (I live on the third floor), with a note scrawled in marker across the back of a receipt:

"Barley is Tasty. If you don't think so, clean up your mess anyway."

Now I know it's one of my two roommates who are married...and I'm incensed because I see this action as particularly obnoxious.

I snatch up the note and bowl, go downstairs and clear out the bowl, toss it in the sink, and leave as I'm late. As I'm traveling to work, I make two tweets to vent about how angry I am, the first identifying that I have an obnoxious roommate (not naming names, or even giving details on said situation) and the second more vague, commenting that I'm enraged at another's obnoxiousness.

The non-trans half of the married couple sees these tweets and flips out on me on Twitter, which some of you likely saw if you're watching either or both of us.

The verdict from her: that I had no right to go to Twitter and passive aggressively take it there and besides that, what I did was so much more obnoxious that I'm lucky I didn't get the bowl of food thrown at me, because I should *know* better, etc. etc.

Said roommate essentially feels that even though
1. it was an accident,
2. I've been trying (and succeeding) at not leaving food/dishes about and
3. that I wasn't firing on all cylinders after working so much that because she and her spouse took it as an obnoxious gesture then:

1. That it was an accident doesn't matter, the meaning they chose to assign to it is,
2. The fact that I've been doing well about not leaving stuff out makes this "accident" so much worse and
3. I should not have made the mistake in the first place, no matter how tired I was.

This is where my earlier LJ came from, which she decided to bitch at me about too, keeping me two hours over at work (since she has issues with you know...letting me leave when she comes in and instead wants to talk to me for hours, nevermind if I have anything planned online because of course, online isn't important, my IRL interactions with her obviously are and whenever I try to leave she glares at me and motions me over...she's also my boss, but very rarely are these talks about anything pertaining to work).

So yes, that's my bitchfest. Came out longer than I intended tho
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