Another step forward

Mar 09, 2013 10:03

So, update with the burlesque troop. I decided not to deal with them anymore. Skyy is fine with that. He does not blame me in the least but he says I can still come watch the show without  a door charge. He understands my frustration with them and having him tell me that made me feel so much better about things. Speaking of which, I am officially hired on for events and managing his FB pages and future websites. Not a lot of money now but it will grow as I do more work. He definitely wants me to do a shoot with both the Wild Girls and the Wild Boys and one of his dancers wants me to do a portfolio with her. So there are definite plans just not definite dates. Skyy and I had a long talk when we finally sat down. We were able to share where we were at and it was refreshing that he actually listened to me when I told him my frustrations about not really having artistic license. He agreed to step back and trust me. So now the only "rule" I have when making promo images for him is to "make it sexy". I can do that. I was just having difficulties with the other demands.

I finished the head shots for Selena (the girl scouted by Disney) and her mom has agreed to let me build her portfolio. It helped that my hairstylist is awesome and is willing to be on hand during sessions. We have lots of plans and ideas already. Just need time and a little money but I know we can work it out. (One of the shots I took of Selena is here --> Clickie)

Today I am going to roam around the tattoo expo and tomorrow the steampunk convention. I'm really hoping to be able to network, get more followers and make a little headway in promoting myself. I also joined this local group that has photographer/model get-togethers on a regular basis. My first event with them is in April. It costs money.. more for photographers than models most of the time. And I understand why.. needing to weed out people and such. But the two events I am "officially" going to are (thankfully) in my budget. I do hope to make it to a high-end one at some point though. I have seen the locations and some of the photos taken and they are amazing. I want to be part of that.

I was able to speak with my Father through the week. I am so glad that I was able to. He has been so ill and I was so worried about Him. I'm talking, 'knocking on Death's door" ill. But he is doing better now. I wish He (or I) were closer so that I could help out but I am happy that He has His family close-by. I wish I could hug Him.. course it would probably be one of those insane long hugs at this point.

Anyway.. back to the photography thing. I started requesting critiques on my photos that I post on Deviant Art. This is a major step for me, being able to ask that people give me "compliment sandwiches". Security in myself and my work has never been one of my strong suits. But I want to get better. I want feedback telling me what is wrong and suggestions on how to fix it or change it for the next time. I find I am no longer satisfied with "that's a good shot". I need people to elaborate as to why it's good. What makes it work. I also need elaboration on ones that are not that great. I want to now what I can do to make it better. Hopefully.. inviting critiques will not equal trolls. But if it does, they better be trolls with their own skills because I an not going to take shit from some jackass that is in a bad mood because he/she has no talent.

But enough typing. My fingers are cold.

work, pics, job, family

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