And the dreams I had were ones of past lives..

Jan 03, 2013 09:29

I really need to start writing when I am laying in bed staring off into space unable to sleep because my brain wont shut up.

Yesterday I got up at 3 AM and started to put my sink to the test. I washed dishes all day. Literally. And I still have more to do. Good news is that so far, there have been no leaks. As for my dishwasher, I think I found the reason for it not working and it involves me needing to install a new ground wire and grounding spike. Oh what fun that will be... hammering an eight foot copper tube into Tucson dirt. Needless to say, I am putting that off for the time being. I'm just happy to be able to have clean dishes again.

More scary news from LJ and all it's nonsense. I guess I need to really make an effort to move over and use DreamWidth more often. This includes re-teaching myself coding if I want to change my journal look at all. I think, because I have so few people on here that can read my entries, I will just go ahead and leave them public on DW for now.

I will also probably download a client of sorts that will post automatically in both so I don't have to copy/paste and/or worry about forgetting to post in DW as I have been.

Today I get to go on to the AFB for one of my jobs. Oh the hoops I had to jump through to gain access... Yay for the military. And then the rest of my day will consist of calling/scheduling. I'm usually ok with that aspect, I just hate when I have to call the agent to get contact numbers that have not been provided. I get these jobs and then have no way to contact the person. One would think that having a contact number would be required so I wouldn't have to spend my day playing phone tag with the agents, clients, and property management groups.. I'd certainly get a lot more done.

The thing about this job that bugs me the most is the fact that I can't go by "Ivy". I have to go by my legal name. So more and more people are calling me by my legal name. It feels unfamiliar and yet at the same time I am tired of fighting it. So from now on, I guess call me whatever you want. I wont be bothered enough to get offended.

Off topic: Everyone is all about Grumpy Cat. I find Grumpy Cat not funny at all even though I can relate to the words of Grumpy Cat. He is, after all, the first cat I have seen that had nipple tassels made to look like his face.


work, house, job, dreams, lj

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