Dia De Los Muertos

Nov 02, 2012 06:49

There is something about the Day of the Dead that resonates with me. The celebration, the colors, the work people put into their offerendas. The way that, no matter what the economy is like, no expense seems to be spared. They are decorated with candles and flowers and candies, booze, ribbons and incense.. So much time and love is dedicated to this tradition. I dare to say that I have come to love this holiday even more then Halloween.

Though I wonder if part of the reason for that is because it has not become fully commercialized as of yet. Locally, the celebration has grown exponentially in the decade I have lived here. I am certain much of that has to do as much with the fact that we have a decent artist community as it does that Hispanics are the majority. I am both excited and fearful of when this holiday grows into the mass markets of big box stores. Excited because more people will be educated about this beautiful tradition. Fearful because despite the education of it I have already seen "Christians" rallying against it and already doing their best to warp it into something ugly and horrific.

They do this DURING THE CELEBRATION!! They stood on the side-lines, picketing and chanting. It made me sick.

Religion ruins everything.

death, life, halloween, religion

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