Random Babble {Sanity vs Reality}

Mar 06, 2006 06:56

I have almost caught up in the terms of rest. I slept like a rock last night. (Of course that may have been due to a mixture of sleeping pills, sinus medication, and being screwed silly until I could barely move. *laughs*) My darling daughter.. I tell you, ever since she was born I have never had to use my alarm clock. She wakes up between 6-6:30am every day, comes in and climbs in bed with us, then gives me baby kisses until I wake up. So sweet.

Not many peeps are posting in lj land it seems... so to counter my lack of f-list updates, I rearranged my user info a little.. Put in links to certain tags. I may even go as far as redoing my layout. New FO banner, new colors... the works. I haven't really fooled around with photoshop in awhile so I may experiment a little. (Not today, but soon)

I made $30 last night. Sold some of my left-over product from my business. The siren call of going shopping is very strong but I really need to save for a new sewing machine. I have tons of fabric (lace, pvc, sheer fabrics)and lots of ideas but no way of executing them. The lady that bought my items was trying to get me involved with our local pagan community again, but I'm just not sure I'm ready for it. Last time it was a horrible experience and it really hindered me wanting to get to know like-minded people. So much drama... But she has assured me that it's not that bad and the focus of the group in in the 'right place'. So I don't know. I'll go to a couple of events with her and test the waters but if they aren't on the same level, I'm gone.

My FIL is still in the hospital. We don't know when he will be coming home. He is doing better so that's a relief. Last week was hell for all involved but things are looking up now. I scored major points with my niece this week.. just by buying her some funky socks. She has really had a deep dislike for me ever since P & I started dating. It grew worse when we got married and had a baby. In her eyes I took away her father-figure and she has resented me for it. She is almost 12 now, hitting those pre-teen years. I have 'really' been trying to make things work but it hasn't been easy. But I think she is starting to warm up to me.

Well.. guess I better get going. Gotta clean some more. Way behind on my house work since all this stuff happened. I can easily say that I have at least 8 loads of laundry... bleh. ~sigh~ More later, maybe.

life, inlaws, me, in-laws

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