365 Days: Days 147-178

Jun 28, 2011 06:38

Yes... I am attempting to get fully caught up, dammit.

Day 147: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them

Oh goodness, yes! In fact there are a number of people. I always love seeing my friends and loved ones. It thrills me to no end.

Day 148: What do you think about ignorant people

Honestly.. I am ignorant of some things so I do not think ill of them. However, a lot of times I do wish they would do a bit more research. Especially if they are the "close-minded" sort of ignorant.

Day 149: Do you think more about the past, present, or future

Right now, past and future are on par. I think about the present only when I am studying because otherwise I will stress myself out. The past I can't help think about so I try to focus on how far I have come.. (not always easiest by the way). The future I focus on because it helps keep me motivated. I have goals. I am determined to reach them.

Day 150: Would you rather love one person or have many short relationships

Why can one not love more than one person? I am confused.

Day 151: How is your heart lately

Doctors say that it is nice and healthy.
Emotionally... I would say it has its moments but over all it is happy.

Day 152: Would you move to a different country to be with the one you love

If that country would have me, absolutely!

Day 153: What is one step of action you would take to change the world

The whole world?    x_x
Can I not just focus on my own country instead? We already supposedly try to help the world. I would like us to take care of our own first and foremost for once.

Day 154: Do you think the hardest thing is sometimes the easiest thing

Lemme put it to you this way. Telling someone you want to leave them is hard. Telling someone you want to leave them because they can not fulfill your needs is harder.

Day 155: A moment you felt most satisfied in your life

Um.. to personal to share "here".

Day 156: What is one achievement you are proud of

Pulling myself off the streets from which I was homeless.

Day 157: What is a tv show you enjoy the most

NCIS, Supernatural, Firefly... the list goes on.

Day 158: Do you like to give or receive

BOTH!!! Nuff said.

Day 159: Would you give up all of your presents one christmas time to help others from other countries

Being as I don't ever receive presents on christmas, that would not be very hard to do.. >_>

Day 160: What is one thing you love about photography

The various ways lighting can change it.

Day 161: Do you go by live, laugh, love

I have never really thought about it. Sounds like too much fun. I don't have time for much fun lately.

Day 162: Why is it so much easier being a child, than an adult

...... it is not. Not for me anyway.
But I guess for others it would probably be having everything given to you vs having to pay for everything.

Day 163: Highs and lows of this month

Drugs and Doctors, respectively.

Day 164: Where is one place you would love to visit


Day 165: One thing many people don’t know about you

um... last night i began the process of dehydration on a pigs heart and some chicken feet for craft projects *blinks*

Day 166: Favorite type of music

I love all types. I don't have a favorite type. I can rock with Lady Gaga and relax with Kitaro and dance/sing along with everything in-between

Day 167: Have you ever had a teacher that changed your life

I have two teachers I remember fondly. Mr.Woodward my English Lit. teacher and Mr.Armstrong, my drama teacher. Both of them taught me many things about myself. And then, there is of course, my Mentor. He has taught me the most about myself.

Day 168: Funniest movie you have ever seen

I.. can not remember.

Day 169: How do you feel about cyber bullying

There is no sense in it and I am really appalled that "adults" take part in it.

Day 170: What is your life motto

it switches from "Fuck it. Life goes on" to " I can DO this"

Day 171: What is something you notice throughout high school

the sluttier you are, the more people laugh at you. (not speaking from experience.. just observation)

Day 172: One famous guy you would marry in an instance

No one. Yep. You heard me. No one.

Day 173: What kind of person attracts you

Intelligent and funny with good hygiene. Someone who is empathetic toward others and loves their family.

Day 174: Is there something you laugh at every time it happens

Um.. every time I watch "honey badger"

Day 175: How do you think you’re going to act like in 10 years

Hopefully the same. *watches as certain unnamed people roll their eyes*

Day 176: Songs you listen to when you’re happy

How about artists... Kerli, Poe, Cowboy Junkies... again, the list goes on

Day 177: Do you enjoy cooking

I enjoy grilling and baking.

Day 178: Something you’re proud of in the past few days

That I lost 30lbs since I was last weighed in March.

meme, 365

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