365 Days: Days 20-25

Jan 25, 2011 16:16

Day 020: What you think makes someone beautiful

I would have to go with personality here. A warm heart. Tenderness... that sort of mushy stuff that most people scoff at. The world has too many "pretty people" who are snobs that think they are God's gift to the world.

Day 021: Everything you wish for in a significant other

I'm not telling. If I did then someone might try to become everything I want. And that's the worst thing they could ever do.

Day 022: How you judge intelligence

The ability to hold a conversation that does not revolve around "Whassup", or any other plethora of slang that can spew forth. You don't have to be a scholar. But at least be able to speak correctly.

Day 023: A month/year of your life when you were happiest and why

Hands down NOLA Oct/Nov 2010 - It's NEW ORLEANS!!! Need I any other reason?

Day 024: Your favorite 10 people right now and why

People, huh? Hmmm

Kindergoth - because she is six and full of fun and I know that within 7 years she will hate me so I like to make the best of what I have with her now. She gives me random hugs too.. and she loves Gibbs...



yeah, that's all I got. Sorry.

Day 025: A friend you have lost that you’re better off without/one you wish you had back

*sigh* Vampy... for both.

meme, 365

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