Ranting - Ignore - Just need to get this out

Jan 22, 2011 07:23

I have been losing a lot of sleep lately. I want to blame it on my allergies.. or is it a cold now? I can't even tell anymore. All I know is a feel less than great. But the truth of the matter is, I am stressed out of my mind.

I have a final this week, that last night I just realized I should have started on 3 weeks ago. It's a huge presentation I have to put together. On the upside, I have complete freedom as long as its within the theme of vacation destinations. So I actually have that part figured out... in my head. On the downside... Excel. I am having so many problems with that portion that it's not even funny. I am starting to think I have a fear of numbers. And of course the other downside is that I am WAY behind schedule.

Add to this the fucking family drama. OMG. And its not just my family, which has been posted about, but his as well.

Than there was the freakin bee infestation. The stress of having those delightful creatures was not enough. It was added to by the company I got to remove them. The company who got very rude with me and called me several times after I refused to pay $1300 to have them cut a hole in my ceiling and remove the honey comb after I had already paid them $500 to kill them all in the first place. And then his parents got pissed at me because I called them in the first place and didn't wait for his dad to come kill them. So they are all mad at me for that, calling me stupid and what-have-you. But you know what? I am sick and tired of waiting around for "help". And on top of that, his dad said they were just going to spray them. It was only after the fact that they mentioned they had everything to mask the pheromones the bees put off when upset. They withhold information, I go to a professional that at least knows what the fuck they are doing.  Thing is, even if I did come to them first, they would have been annoyed that I couldn't take care of it myself. There is just no winning with them.

Today, Ecamer expects me to go to the stupid company picnic. Normally I don't mind.. but with the stress of the freakin presentation, it makes me feel like I am pissing away hours that could be spent on raising my grade.

Oh yes... the grades. I am very VERY anal when it comes to my grades. If I don't get a 90% or better, I freak out. Ok.. so the first week of this Microsoft Office class, I got a 68%. NOT on an actual piece of work... but because I did not comment enough in the discussion forum. Apparently, the discussions count for more of your over-all grade than the actual work. Go figure. So ok, I fix this. I comment, I ask questions that I could not care less about, I offer advice that is most-likely unwarranted, and I go into detail about why I agree with someone even if I am just repeating what they are saying. Over-achiever. That's me. THEN, I turn in my labs for this week...  I get a 100% on one... and a 50% on the other. WTF! And all the professor notes is that one of my charts was wrong and it accounted for 50% of my grade. But, unlike all the other times I make mistakes, she does not tell me where I went wrong. I go through the lesson, I can't find it, and of course there is no way to make a grade like this up. On top of all that. Of the two charts I submitted, it was the first one that was wrong. Not the  second. Now you may think that it's not a big deal.. but what doesnt make sense is the fact that the secon chart was based off the first chart's information. So how can the second chart be right and the first one be wrong... Not that I am complaining (much). A failing grade is still better then a 0%.

And I'm supposed to call my grandmother this evening. x_x

And I am behind on the laundry, I lost the freakin mortgage payment, Gibbs is starting to have accidents because I have no clue how to teach him to tell me when he needs to go out. I'm starting to fear I may not be able to pull off working and schoolwork if this is happening in, what I feel, is my easiest class. When the dog isnt around, the cats get demanding. Ecamer's mom is nagging me every damn day about why I haven't brought over Kindergoth's clothes to be ironed. I feel like just piling up her laundry and dropping it on their god-damned doorstep, ringing the bell and walking away. it's not like she has no clothes. She has more clothes then Ecamer and I combined and Ecamer has 3x as many clothes as I do.


no... i don't feel better now. thanks for asking. -_-
i'm going to go cry in the shower now so i can pretend its just the water on my face.

school, life

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