In response to the questions in
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Question 1:
We have each others number, why don't we ever talk on the phone?
Besides the fact that I abhor speaking on the phone, we have text messaging. I have unlimited texts. I do not, however, have unlimited minutes. I have no land line so therefor, my cell is my main contact for all business-related calls. I prefer to use email or text for everything that is personal. And unless it is an emergency, or I am really, really, REALLY upset and need to talk to someone, chances are that you will never hear from me unless we are meeting and I need directions.
It's not that I do not care about you, it's the fact that I make a terrible conversationalist. But, that being said, I am a great listener.. so if you need to call and rant, rave, cry.. I am always available. Day or Night. And in emergencies, I could care less about how many minutes are used. ♥
Any other questions, feel free to ask them in
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They will be answered fully and as completely as possible.
Names will be left out to protect the not so innocent.