It is now Thursday... Tomorrow will mark one week without hot water. *grumbles* Course.. living here, when you turn on the cold water, it runs warmer then the hot water. Not warm enough, but still.
Ecamer has *another* interview with the SAME company tomorrow. Considering how long the first two-days of 'interviewing' were, if he doesn't get this job, I am going to be beyond pissed. Especially since he hasn't been applying for any other jobs all week. *scowl*
I'm going out with Vampy Sat. night. We're planning to just hang around one of the parks after dark and fill each other in on just how much we hate the world, hate people, hate the way things are in general and then discuss how everything would go much more smoothly if we were in charge. Then maybe we will drive around southern Arizona, possibly getting lost again and then freak out because we refused to bring maps, and be relieved when we come close enough to a point of civilization where our cell phones are working again. (Doing it this way keeps things interesting.) After that, hopefully before dawn but this usually isn't the case, we will each return home and proceed to sleep all day. (Well, he will probably sleep all day, I might manage about three hours being as I have a family and all.) All night venting sessions are much more therapeutic then confining oneself to dark room all weekend. At least for me they are.
Kindergoth turns three years old the 23rd of this month. Be prepared for a few birthday pics from each year. (I bought batteries for my camera! *gasp*)
I have decided to never set foot in a Wal-mart again. Because of viewing
this and then taking the extra step and doing my own personal research to find out how much of it was true. (Because I am thorough like that and have nothing better to do with my time.)
I always liked Target better anyway.