I hate people...

Mar 28, 2007 07:30

This really sweet girl I know from online, posted in Freecycle (freecycle.org) awhile ago that she was looking for wicca supplies. Now, granted, when she did this I thought it was kinda a bad idea because most of the people on FC tend to be upscale-gay-bashin'-my-religion-is-better-then-yours-and-I'm-always-right republicans. But I thought, no.. I will give these people the benefit of the doubt. And nothing happened. People actually came out of the woodwork to help her and I felt slightly better about the world we live in.

Until today..

A few weeks ago, she had posted that she was looking for a kitten. Black or white but preferably black. Today (not an automatic response since they obviously had to think about this), somebody posted publicly (instead of sending a private email) "Are you going to care for it or kill it in some sick ritual?" Gah!!! The nerve of some people. I know that I will never live in a perfect utopia where people can just accept one another despite their beliefs or race or whatever but still... At the same time, it has reminded me that I certainly can't be open about my beliefs. I mean, online, not really a big deal since only a handful of the very trusted few have my snail mail. (And it's not even MY home address, it's just where I pick up my mail.) But I know that when it comes to those who live in my city, I have to be very careful.

I sent an email to this person. Just a very short "That was really rude, I suggest you educate yourself before making such statements". That's all I said. Now if they want to get into an all-out war over this shit, I will be happy to educate them myself. As for my friend, I sent her an email as well but I have yet to hear from her. However.. the day is still early. But if I hear from the zealot, I will post because, well hell.. I like to point out those who are idiots when they like to be so hateful. I'm a bitch like that. And if they gets real nasty, I just may accidentally post their email addy so anyone else who would like to have a crack at them may do so.


And this was going to be such a nice peaceful day...
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