May 14, 2013 16:49
Stuart Brogan’s e-book HEATHEN WARRIOR is an approach to the ethics and magic of the Northern tradition - a refreshingly honest, modest and accurate attempt to translate Northern practices into the modern day. And it must be said that they translate remarkably well - despite their ancient origins, the honour and sense of the Norse text known as the Havamal provide a sound basis for contemporary moral practice. Honouring the elders, giving a moral education to the young, offering hospitality to guests and looking after the family form a large part of the modern ‘warrior way.’ Brogan gives a clear outline of each aspect of the Havamal, weaving this into personal experience (minus the grandiosity which makes many New Age guides so dubious - this is a book, and an author, with their feet firmly on the ground) and linking it with contemporary practices such as the martial arts.
Brogan speaks out strongly against current proponents of the Northern tradition who link heathen practices with Nazism. There’s some evidence, from the laws of the day, to suggest that the Vikings were (perhaps surprisingly) quite progressive for their time, particularly in regard to women. There is little to link this ancient group of people to the particularly modern form of nastiness that is Aryanism, and I completely agree with the author that this gives much of the heathen tradition an undeservedly bad name.
In short, this is highly recommended. It will give you a clear underpinning to Norse ethics and practices, and if you’re wondering where to get started with the heathen path, then this is the book for you.