First things first,
There can be only one! Happy Birthday, darling! We love ya!
So orientation today was fun! I got there lookin' around for the Central Administration Building, because my email told me that's where I was meeting (well actually in Chem East, but that's connected to CAB). I would've have gone there had I not bumped into another group of 1st year Science students. We went to the hall in SUB and listened to a whole bunch of cheers and speeches, and I got a lot of questions answered like the whole textbook fandango and that you don't have to go to labs just yet. Very informative!
After this I discovered I had lost my group. I latched on to another one, who were just taking a break, so I took the opportunity to get my Student One card. The picture I took wasn't really that bad, I actually quite like it. I'm taking this as a good omen! I ran into Connor while lining up for my webmail, and he told me all about Africa and India and all those exquisite places he visited. That globe-trotter... After I got my webmail ID, I took a walk around. There were club booths set up everywhere, and I visited a lot and I mean a lot of 'em! The clubs I signed up for (without commitment, of course) included the Spanish club, the Gay and Lesbian, Christian Ambassadors for Jesus, Jewish club, Lutheran club, Paleontology club, Antrhopology and Archeology club, Musicians club, pre-Med club (this is the only one I actually purchased a membership for), a fraternity (can't remember the name), UNICEF, Liver Foundation, and many more.
I finally realized how long I had been walking around and I started walking out when I spotted Derek! His group was just about to have lunch and were afterwards going to a session on how to use your library and computers, so I decided to join. In SUB we met up with Cassia, Miriam and Eden, and we ate lunch together. Derek whipped out his new iBook and we had fun with this program called Photobooth. Has anyone heard of it? You take these warped pictures of whatever you want with a whole bunch of settings. When I say warped, I mean it. There's a fisheye lens and one that pinches the image in the centre or expands it... Funny stuff. I created some hideous pictures.
We went to the sessions and when home due to my enourmous headache and the fact that there was nothing left to do. Agatha, Erin, Ben and myself went to see The Illusionist, which is one kick-ass movie. It definitely merited the 'This Rocks!' rating it received in See Magazine!
So anyways, tomorrow are actual classes, which I am very excited about. I need to go and figure out where my classes are! Talk about culture shock! THIS SCHOOL IS HUUUUUUGE!