Where has the summer gone? Tsk tsk... It's been action-packed and really awesome! I just can't believe that I'm going to University on Tuesday. Even though it's just Orientation. CLASSES ARE ON WEDNESDAY AND I STILL DON'T HAVE TEXTBOOKS! ARHKJKFDLSKJHD FLEWHF HWFDSHL
Anyways, I just thought it was necessary to have a picture post, since it seems to be my trademark. The story behind these photos is that I needed to buy Kevin a present for his birthday, and Ben and Erin came along to help me. After we finished, we went bowling!
OK, so the present we got Kevin was this CarsTM school kit... Y'know, the ones you used to get as a kid with pencils and rulers and all that back-to-school jazz. He'll look so so cool with it at the University.
... We got it at the Disney store. I'm just showing off the princess bag!! And Ben changed my camera to the vibrant colours setting, so I'm also showing that off.
This is the present. It came with a folder!! (tilt head sideways)
Ben worked so hard to get this shot. TOO MUCH FLOOR!
Different bowl, same pose. I guess whatever works...
WILL SHE GET A STRIKE?! I think this was a gutter ball, actually...
Ben poses before his grand bowl.
I think this is the most action-y shot of the day.
Ooh! A spare! Or whatever.. Pro bowlers correct me if I'm wrong.
In the middle of a victory celebration (which was a million times more glorious than portrayed in this picture). I GOT A STRIKE!!!
Peace and thumbs up!
This money was Ben's, to pay for the bowl. Erin and I didn't see him put it down, so we thought it came from above... GOD'S MONEY!
God: "Have a fun game, my child."
Except he's a quarter short. Because games are 2.75$.
And Egg as a HIPPIE! Note our tie dye shirt!
And I'm off to the lake!