Nov 05, 2008 18:25
Black, white, young, old; our voices were heard and we made history! Think about that, you and I made history. When grandchildren and great grandchildren ask us about this time in USA we can answer that we had a part in the great change that took place. Yeah, this little cranky old lady, gray hair, cane and ugly square shoes was still cool enough to make history.
And darn it all I did go to sleep in my recliner, TV on, laptop on my lap as I surfed the internet as the returns came in. When I woke up early this morning I found that YES! IT HAD HAPPENED!
I am of the opinion that when a Presidential election is held there should be nothing on the ballot except the presidential candidates and perhaps the state government slates and that's it.
Here in Missouri, there were judges, lots of judges, more than enough judges, to vote on renewing their terms on the ballot, along with several state constitutional amendments, six county taxing propositions and several other items that could have waited for the next time.
In one small municipality voters waited as long as seven hours to vote...but wait they did. That urge to make history is a very strong one.
So yes, it's time for the celebration. We did it!