Jun 27, 2010 15:45
I enjoy playing the "Hey, it's that one actor" game when I'm watching things, and as I've gotten older and watched more movies, tv shows, and dramas, the game's even more fun since I recognize more people (though I tend to know the actors more by the names of other characters they've played instead of their actual names).
Last night as I was waiting for my dogs to come in before heading to bed, I stumbled upon the movie Calendar Girls. It's been years since I'd seen it, and I remembered enjoying it when I had watched it in the past, so I decided to use it to pass the time while I waited. I had a huge "it's that one actor" moment within the first five minutes of watching, which cracked me up.
"Hey, that's Molly Wesley. Oh, and that one lady who played the queen. Oh, Harriet Jones. Hee. Wait, is that..." *goes to IMDB* "Oh, my goodness! It's Gene Hunt!" :O
(It's amazing what one finds amusing at one in the morning...)