I was sitting there, minding my own business, and pic!spam jumped up and bit me.
That's what happens when you stare, frame by frame, at Supernatural's BEST MOMENT EVER... while minding your own business.
Pic!Spam: Supernatural 1x08--Bugs [spoilers] )
Comments 25
Au!Hooker fic AHAHA the caps matched the words so perfectly it was scary.
That's hot XDD because it so was!
The secret plan! The Sam expression! Play it cool!
Oh dear god *memories* I LOVE THIS
I just thought you should know, that your hooker comments totally inspired a re-write of that scene that's featured in my latest fic. The one I'm working on. It caused me to write some serious Dean-snark (what better snark is there?) so I just thought you should know that I'm going to blame credit you for it.
God, Sam has such a good hooker-pose. I wonder if he was ever forced to do that to earn money. Like Dean and pool. I really hope that doesn't inspire some awful "SAMWUZABUSEDANDWHOREDOUT!!" Fics.
God, Sam has such a good hooker-pose. I wonder if he was ever forced to do that to earn money.
He really does. It's the long body. It's made for leaning. I was just saying to castalie that I think Sam WOULD have sold his ass to pay for college if he hadn't gotten, uh, a free ride, and there would have been ANGST about it, man. And then I was thinking, if both the brothers, for some unknown reason, became rent!boys, Dean would be totally laid back about it, not angsting. He'd probably be confused about Sam's MAJOR WOOBIE TEARS. Dean would make such a hot hooker. Every fandom needs well written hooker fic.
Anyway, loved the episode and loved your caps *g*
DEAN is hooker-ish isn't he? I can see him being a hooker but NOT angsting about it, while Sam would hang out against telephone poles and mope his ass off. I love them both so much.
Me: Stay calm, Sam. Your brother just loves you. And would like to bend you over. He could want to hurt you. This is really the better option.
Sam: *ponders the ass-slap*
Please cap again, if its this good an episode?
Me: Stay calm, Sam. Your brother just loves you. And would like to bend you over
It's painfully obvious, isn't it? This is really the first pair of brothers, outside of Boondock Saints, where I've seen actual canon-ical lusting/angsting, or been convinced of it by the canon, and NOT the fanfiction.
I can probably be counted upon to pic!spam again, if a moment fills me with enough glee. I haven't been able to for a little while, because what I use for capping was behaving wonky, but it's working now since I re-installed it. So I might catch up on past eps. I'm glad you liked it. :D
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