Oct 18, 2005 08:01
Very sick today. Or, I should say I was until about five in the morning, when I could finally move without my head spinning and having to run to the bathroom. Now I'm just very, very sore all over. Which is why I'm covered up on the couch with my laptop on my thighs, my cat on my chest, and the vague notion that I could write fanfic today.
I'd like to finish editing 3b of Cowardly Acts, because that would make me almost completely done with that fic. But... I also want to try my hand again at SGA, which for some reason, sucks from me. I don't know. I might ditch it all, and begin working on that Skirt!Fic where Seth dresses up like a girl on Halloween, and Ryan gets all weird about it. It'd be the most kinky thing I've ever written. I'm so vanilla. ::sighs::
You know what would be fun?
Downloading lots and lots of songvids. Anyone want to link me to their favorites? Are there any good HP ones? SGA ones? Anything slash or gen, pretty much any fandom, because I'm whore-ish where fan-interests are concerned.
real life