I'm very, very tempted to quit
theoc_slash like a bad dream. Seriously. But it's my own damn fault, because when I see wank pop up, my inevitably curious mind wonders where it originated from, and because I have no ability to control the need to know what the hell is going on at all times, I look for the source. And boy howdy, no wonder I was feeling nervous after posting my story there the other day, and then discovering all that arguing---the bad vibes I was getting weren't just new fic anxiety. Because outside of theoc_slash, in the member's journals, there's just more downers for OC writers to find. And such venom! Of course, people have a right to rant in their own journals, as I'm demonstrating, so...
Okay, so in high school, I was always that girl that was friends with everybody, and sometimes fought with the more popular people when they were mean to the people they thought were at the bottom of the foodchain. I don't think I can help that aspect of my personality, but after highschool I was never ever going to stick my nose in things like that again, because it's too much drama, too many black eyes, and both of those things give me a stomach pain (note: could also be the coffee. hmm.)
Which is why I really really need someone to stop me from making an ass of myself, because I can totally see---right now, anyway, I'll have forgotten by this evening what my point is---why everyone is reacting so defensively to everything going on, including myself, whether everything is one big misunderstanding or not. If anyone in the OC fandom ever journal-surfed, like I have a habit of doing when it rains (and it has been), then they've probably been sitting on the edge of blowing up for a long time, because they've overheard (overseen?) some of the things that get said. I mentioned the venom, right? There's a lot of that, and I don't get it. Granted, I've never been that involved in fandom politics. More stomach pains. My point is, all it took WAS a misunderstanding to unleash that defensive hurt a lot of the newer writers are probably feeling. I think the OC fandom at large needs to camp out on the beach or something, eating s'mores. Might be good for some tension release.
Granted---okay, people have opinions, you know? They can think and share that they think the new authors just aren't good. Especially in their own journals.
Urgh. I need to think my ranting out more carefully. It's just that I see so many sides, and all of them make their own sense, and then there is my own ingrained need to stick up for the underdog, okay?
I think, I *think* what I feel most is that every single person involved, however minutely, and I include myself in this, needs to take a kind of reality check and realize that they're either being a) overly defensive, b) needlessly aggressive, or c) superior.
I'm A. My skin is as thin as hotel walls, and I can't think clearly when my feelings get hurt. What are you today?
Of course, this post is useless, because it's not like I'm going to say anything to anyone, because someone is going to be kind enough to stop me, because they'll realize I'm talking out of my ass, and make me do what's in my best interest: stay as far away from the wank as possible.
Also, just a note:
aflowerinrain, this is by no means directed at you. I realize that you're feeling a lot of strain with what's going on, but it's not your fault. My little pointless rant is about the vibes, not that thread, which I think is a symptom, not the disease/conflict itself. People reacted so quickly and defensively for a reason, I think.
Hmm. Where's my scalpel? This needs to be picked apart.
Again, someone stop me. Reading a blurb about psychology does NOT make me know what I'm talking about.
*chains self down*
Who knows? This post might be missing by tonight, after I delete it, because it's just a pointless exercise, and my fringe opinion really doesn't hold any merit. I don't even know why I'm going there. High school will follow me forever.