Damn, my feet are cold. Everything is cold! It's currently 21 in Atlanta, which might be normal for many places but is pretty wild for here. What's worse is that the air circulation in my apartment really sucks, so my bedroom is toasty while my living room is frigid. I've been sitting on the sofa with a heating pad over my feet, and I'm still cold. Ah, well! I love the cold as long as *I* am inside and warm at the time!
I've been feeling way too mopey over the past week. Must be the New Year's Blahs. One thing that made me smile today, though, was that we had spelling bees in each class to get candidates for the school spelling bee, which I run.
(Yes, I love love love spelling!) One of my students is ... well, an underachiever. Had to repeat a grade in elementary school, and only passed my class last quarter because I padded his grades. (He put in a bit of effort, so I cut him some slack.) Anyway, in his class's bee, he came in third and did a great job throughout -- much better than my co-teacher and I had expected, to be honest. After class, he came up to me and practically begged for a do-over because he was so close. I told him that I wished I could, but that's not the way it works. But we're going to try and do more spelling games and activities this year. It's such a great feeling when a struggling kid finds something he's good at. :)
And I'll wrap up this chilly evening with a short linkspam.
-- SmartMoney spills
10 secrets that movie theaters won't tell you. Not very "secret", but still interesting.
-- Abagond has a funny guide to
faking a posh mid-Atlantic accent.
-- It's time for the
2009 Darwin Awards! Yes, I feel guilty for snickering.
-- Two fascinating photo galleries:
Scott Parazynski's climb of Mount Everest, and
a visit to Joshua Tree National Park.
-- And Jezebel has photos of
W Magazine's gorgeous "plus-size" issue.
-- Slate has a
requiem for Omni Magazine.
-- And MonkeySee offers
other calendar-themed movie suggestions for Amy Adams. While I adore her, I'm wondering what the hell is up with that Leap Day movie.