I started off with "a one-liner reaction to tonight's Friday Night Lights, but looks like I went on for much longer than that. Plus, a gratuitous BSG-FNL crossoverish poll.
Last season I complained that the woobiefication of Matt Saracen was getting on my nerves. His arc felt like a neverending streak of "Wow, Matt's life sucks!", and while I liked Matt and the brutal realism, it started to feel like overkill. The rebellion this season was also a bit much, but I greatly preferred it. Him finally unleashing his emo on the world? Oh, yeah. Even better that Coach kicked his ass about it.
I was under the impression that this was the last pre-strike episode, and when Smash began his locker room speech, I gleefully begged for one last "Clear eyes! Full hearts! Can't lose!" And we got it! Whee!
I'm so glad that it wasn't the last episode, because ohmyGOD that shot of Smash in tears broke my heart. He's becoming one of my favorite characters (plus his magnificent Mama Smash), and while I've been expecting some hubris, it was even more painful under these circumstances. Too many characters have gotten easy handwaves for their problems this season, but I just really hope for his sake that next week will bring a semi-magical solution.
Drinkin' with stalker Tim and Emo Snarky Bitch Matt is just too damn funny for words.
I want my own bug-eyed baby Gracie.
Next week we get Tami's ex-boyfriend! Played by Peter Berg! That could be the most fabulous thing ever.
Also YAY for all the Explosions in the Sky in the past few weeks.
I miss Jason Street, though I wonder if his relative absence is also due to Scott Porter doing post-production for Speed Racer? Or maybe it's just because he's been marginalized by all the other storylines. *sigh*
That plus my opening comments bring me to something
bop_radar and I discussed last season. I decided that Matt Saracen was totally the teenaged version of Lee Adama. Bop argued that he was Jason, with a bit of Matt mixed in. this year I leaned more toward the Jason, but tonight I definitely saw high school Lee getting all bitter and pissy. ;) So, what do you think?
Poll Lee Street-Saracen And tonight I realized that Kara Thrace was most definitely Tim Riggins. ;)
I actually did have on The Jimmy Kimmel Show last night because I was too lazy to change the channel, though it was on mute while I was knitting. At one point I glanced up and thought I saw Matt Damon with Sarah Silverman, but since I'm not a fan of hers, I didn't bother to un-mute to see if it was Matt Damon, whom I love to itty bitty pieces. Well.
Today everyone started linking to this video, in which Sarah reveals that she is... f*cking Matt Damon. It is the most hilarious thing I've seen in weeks. Do watch it even if Silverman grates on your nerves, and I kinda love Matt even more now. Mmm. (Bleeped, but somewhat NSFW.)
And here are some links!
-- Ken Levine has a hysterical
guide to the characters on Lost. Oh, yeah, and a shallow one-liner reaction to Lost:
Wow, dead(?) Charlie was HOT.
-- Yeah, I watched Eli Stone last night, mostly because Jonny Lee Miller has a lifetime pass from me for playing
my favorite character in my all-time favorite movie. Yay, Trainspotting! Yes, this is a chance for a gratuitous link to
the best scene, which provided the title for my LJ. :) As for Eli? Eh, it was okay. George Michael was fun.
-- I saw one of the blogs link to
dry shampoo. Have any of you ever used it? I have to wash my super-oily hair daily, but sometimes I just don't feel like going through the hassle. This could be a great thing.
-- On a topical note, the NYT asks if
beauty bloggers can be objective when offered so much swag.
-- New research suggests that
junk food may lower stress. And RealSimple has tips on
how to get rid of guilt.
-- Ooh,
a trailer for Michel Gondry's characteristically-bizarre new movie!
-- And via Latte and Kate, here are
more photos of Katee at that premiere, including some much better shots of the elusive Scott.