Perky nips, studly Kiwis, and delurking days.

Sep 17, 2007 21:47

sinful_caesar (thanks!) has hi-res photos of Katee at the TV Guide party, looking very Veronica-Lake-glam. Good shoe choice, and ya gotta love a dress with pockets. I love how the unfortunate bust-dart placement makes her look like she has very perky nipples. ;) Also, txvoodoo has an awesome Emmys gallery, including two pics of the Conchords guys. Yay! Oh, Brit. You're such a stud.

Okay, I posted this the other night, but LJ somehow screwed up the code beyond recognition, so I had to private-ize it. I found this meme on bop_radar's LJ. I do Delurking Days every few months, but I couldn't resist another one -- though I did change a few of the questions.

I'd like to know 27 things about you. Just copy and hit reply and paste in the comments section with answers. Thanks! You'll be surprised how much you didn't know about your friends after this! Answer as many questions as you'd like, then copy the meme and see if anyone answers you.

1. Do you have a tattoo?
2. How old are you?
3. Among your friends, what's your "claim to fame"?
4. Eat with your hands or utensils?
5. Do you dream at night?
6. Ever seen a corpse?
7. George Strait or Jay Z?
8. How did we meet?
9. What's your philosophy on life and death?
10. If you could do anything with me, and have no one know, what would it be?
11. Do you trust the police?
12. What's the last movie you watched?
13. What is your fondest memory of me?
14. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
15. Would you cheat?
16. What do you wear to sleep?
17. Have you ever peed in a pool?
18. What college course would you like to take, solely for fun?
19. What's your most embarrassing habit?
20. What one article of clothing could you not live without?
21. Do you sing in the shower?
22. What's your favorite color?
23. If you could bring back anyone that has passed, who would it be?
24. Tell me one interesting/odd fact about you?
25. What was your first impression of me?
26. Which of your LJ icons best represents you?
27. Which of my LJ icons do you most associate with me?

My answers:

1. Do you have a tattoo?
I have a thumbnail-sized apple on my right ankle. Such a Gen X cliche! I got it to celebrate my first teaching job, hence the apple. annelise13 went with me to get it done, all those years ago. :)

2. How old are you?
*cough* 33 *cough*

3. Among your friends, what's your "claim to fame"?
Once I get going, I can talk nonstop for hours. People are often surprised I'm from Texas, given the stereotype of the laconic drawl. However, I talk ridiculously fast -- or, as we say back home, "90 to nothing".

4. Eat with your hands or utensils?
Depends on the food.

5. Do you dream at night?
Yeah, though I seldom remember them.

6. Ever seen a corpse?
Nope, thank goodness.

7. George Strait or Jay Z?
Neither, though I suppose I'm closer to Strait's style than Jay Z's.

8. How did we meet?
Um, the day I was born? ;)

9. What's your philosophy on life and death?
When you die, you're dead. The end.

10. If you could do anything with me, and have no one know, what would it be?
Hard to answer this one!

11. Do you trust the police?
Yeah, I'm fine with authority figures, even though I probably shouldn't be so trusting.

12. What's the last movie you watched?
The other night, I rewatched The Sound of Music for the Nth time, in order to do our "The Sound of Cylons" filk.

13. What is your fondest memory of me?

14. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
I should care more about my health and my appearance. Lack of vanity is probably a good thing overall, but I suspect my life would improve if I gave a damn.

15. Would you cheat?
Only if other people aren't involved. (i.e. I'll do illegal downloads and cut corners in various things, but I wouldn't cheat on another person.)

16. What do you wear to sleep?
I can ONLY sleep in t-shirts. No pajama bottoms or other shirt fabrics -- they make me feel too uncomfortable.

17. Have you ever peed in a pool?
Not since I was seven!

18. What college course would you like to take, solely for fun?
Cartography. I *love* maps. Even the good ol' Rand-McNally road atlas. I could look at them for hours.

19. What's your most embarrassing habit?
I'm not tactless, per se, but I have a tendency to mouth off and say insensitive things (about society, not friends) and then spend way too much backtracking and apologizing!

20. What one article of clothing could you not live without?
ONE article? Yikes. Kinda breaking my rule here, but I'd go with a great messenger bag/purse, with a long strap that I can sling across my body. Hands-free is the way to be! It also has to be big enough to hold magazines or letter-sized paper, because I tend to carry printed-out fic around with me.

21. Do you sing in the shower?
Nope, though I always sing along to the car stereo. Loudly.

22. What's your favorite color?
Green and orange. I'm all about the earthtones.

23. If you could bring back anyone that has passed, who would it be?
I can never seem to answer these questions. Same thing with "Desert Island ___" or "Fantasy Dinner Party Guests". Here's a random one, though: whenever I see him in an old TV show or hear his voice on The Simpsons, I always think about how much I miss Phil Hartman. He was hilarious.

24. Tell me one interesting/odd fact about you?
Many of you already know this, but I'm allergic to bananas.

25. What was your first impression of me?
Again, can't really answer that!

26. Which of your LJ icons best represents you?

27. Which of my LJ icons do you most associate with me?
Probably this one (made by ancarett), because it's been my default icon for nearly two years. I never use it for posts, but that's my girl. :)

Your turn!

bsg - katee, emmys, lj - delurking day, tv - conchords

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