Baby!Jamie and the Goofy Hair.

Aug 08, 2007 21:48

Came home from work tonight utterly exhausted. My legs were so sore that, despite ravenous hunger, I could only manage the strength to open a bag of Chex Mix. I did eventually haul myself into the kitchen to make pasta. Mmm.

Then I decided to cheer myself up by putting in the DVDs of Horatio Hornblower that have been gathering dust for the past year. Baby!Jamie is just so gosh-darned adorable that he made me forget my poor legs. Like I've said before, it's funny how Lee on BSG doesn't do anything for me -- he's hot, sure, but totally not my type -- yet Jamie pushes all my buttons. ;) Maybe it's the scruff and French/Italian and snark and sweet little voice and the tragic green flip-flops and dragon pants. (While visiting her last month, marenfic and I discovered he has TWO PAIRS of dragon-embroidered trousers. YIKES. Or maybe they're the same pair with bad lighting. God, I hope so. I wonder if he'll wear them at Dragon*Con? My eyes might never recover from seeing them up-close. )

Anyway! I love Baby!Jamie to pieces, so I figured I'd put together a picspam. Disclaimer: despite owning the DVDs, I know almost nothing about Hornblower except that Archie was brought back for three more movies because he was so popular, and Archie/Horatio is as slashy as you can get without the writers actually saying, "Yup, they're in looooove." Hee!

I won't bother annotating them, partly for those of you who don't want to be spoiled, but mostly because that would require too much effort. You can probably figure out what's going on in them, anyway. ;) And all caps are courtesy of this website.

Aww! Can I pinch his cheeks, pretty please?

First, though, I think I'll curl up on the sofa, finish watching "Mutiny", and hope my legs eventually stop feeling like noodles. *sigh*

(And also try to figure out why the hell this new version of Semagic insists on including gallery links. Drives me crazy.

bsg - jamie

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