I loaded up Semagic, ready to whine about going back to work on Monday. Then I discovered happy-making things.
-- Eddie Izzard!!! Was flipping through the TiVo listings, only to find a new Izzard special on BBCA tonight, "Glorious". Which is actually a very old special, but I hadn't seen it before.
-- New laptops bring me much joy. This one has some killer speakers for a notebook. And a shiny screen. And much sexy newness.
-- I got a massage this afternoon, for the first time in years. Very relaxing. Unfortunately, I went in because of a sore muscle in my back, and the pain hasn't entirely gone away. Alas.
-- New BSG promo pic! Much love to
syliasyliasylia for the heads-up. She has the super-hi-res version (3.5mb)
here, and I've uploaded a
dial-up friendly version that's sized for wallpapers. Girlfriend! With new hair! Hmm. Interesting. ;) ETA: And cheers to
drewcypher for first finding it!
-- And in semi-related news,
manticoran posted that S2 of Doctor Who will begin on SciFi on 9/29 at 9pm, according to
this .pdf schedule. Yay! I'd heard rumors that it would be the Friday night lead-in for S3 of BSG, though SciFi has taken its own sweet time about confirming that. I've already seen all the eps, but watching them on regular TV is so much fun.
So, my lovely LJ friends, what's one thing making you happy tonight? And since I'm still moping over the back-to-work thing, please tell me about something that'll make me happy. ;)