... in which I refuse to ever cry for freedom.

Jun 01, 2006 18:11

Yesterday's post was fandom-free, so I'm going overboard in this one.

Back in January, I TiVoed a rerun of Katee's "Cold Case" episode -- and in an amusingly ironic bit of fandom synergy, it's the same "Volunteers" ep that featured Amber Benson (Tara/BTVS) and Maggie Grace (Shannon/Lost). I downloaded it off the TiVo last night and made a few screencaps. She's very cute, of course, but this pic is just *beautiful*.

For the hell of it, I also made a few caps of Jamie on last night's Celebrity Poker. Not the best quality (hey, they're from the TiVo, not an .avi!) but you're welcome to link to them. I'm disappointed to learn that the random audience member did not, in fact, yell out, "C'mon, towel boy!" That would've been way too funny.

(Oh, and since I was rearranging galleries, I moved over those two hi-res Paley Festival cast photos. Took a while to get used to it, but now I really love the LJ Scrapbook feature. Much nicer than Photobucket.)

Right now I'm half-watching Bright Young Things on one of the cable channels. Yes, David Tennant is still adorable even with a dorky mustache. So there.

Y'know, I really love "Chicago" by Sufjan Stevens... right up to the lines near the end about how he was crying for freeeeeeedom. And then I burst out laughing, thus ruining the song's loveliness. Don't you hate when musicians muck up a sublime song with a silly random lyric?

I'm also amused that I was friended by a certain VM hate meme, even though I hardly talk about the show these days. Now I vow to talk about VM more often, so that I can earn my spot in the hate pantheon.

And on that note, I'm in the mood to do a short list of unpopular fandom opinions (which are probably not UNpopular at all, but hey):

Veronica Mars

Though I get the appeal, I don't like Weevil. Could've been a great character, but... no.

On the other hand, I still love Duncan -- mostly because the boy is batshit crazy. I will always love him for, "Because you're my sister! And I knew it!" The most awesomely fucked-up line ever. I also suspect that he eats babies.

Logan annoyed me for much of the first half of S2. Now I like him again.

While I've been known to swoon at certain V/L moments (how can you not swoon at "epic"?), I'm mostly 'ship-neutral for Veronica Mars. I'm learning how enjoyable that can be.

Doctor Who

I don't want to see Rose and Ten hook up. They're in love, sure, but I've always known that the TARDIS ain't ever gonna be rockin' that way, so I just sit back and enjoy all that gorgeous UST. Too bad, though, because they're both dead sexy.

I have always adored Mickey and Jackie, ever since the first episode.

I would've liked Ten/Reinette if it hadn't been so badly executed.

The Cybermen two-parter was really quite enjoyable, if only for the cool AUs and the gorgeous cinematography.


Claire and Charlie are way too cute, and not in the adorable way. I used to like Charlie back when Lost began, but not so much anymore. Too bad the Dark!Charlie arc never really panned out.

I liked Ana-Lucia. (SHOCK!) Overall, though, I'm not emotionally attached to any of the characters, except maybe Locke and Eko.

Sawyer is dangerously close to becoming one-note. I find myself liking him anyway.

I don't care if the numbers mean anything. I love Lost best when it's all super-creepy and mytharc-y.


I never really liked Dualla much, all the way back to the mini. That said, I almost like her now, just as a kneejerk reaction to all the Dee!Hate I keep seeing everywhere. She's gotten a bad rap lately, so I hope S3 turns the proverbial tide.

I like Kara's long hair, but that's probably because I'm automatically inclined to love anything involving Kara.

I don't find Lee Adama particularly sexy, though I do love the character. The military look and huge muscles just don't turn me on. (Jamie himself, however, hits all my Britboy kinks. See the above photos for examples.)

Sharon/Helo is a fascinating, complicated, tragic relationship... that I wish I could like, but I just can't get into it. As with many things on this list, I really do see the appeal, but I could take or leave their 'ship.

Roslin/Zarek kinda makes me tingle. ;)


I'm utterly clueless when it comes to Ho!Yay. People have to show me where it is, and even then I'm usually oblivious unless the characters come out (heh) and say, "This scene is meant to be slashy." That said, I don't see anything to House/Wilson beyond snarky BFFs.

Jesse Spencer is very pretty. I must also be oblivious to his character's depth, because I'm just not seeing it.

I really like Cameron. I think I'd like House/Cameron if the writers weren't so damn ham-handed and Doomed Unrequited(?) Love about it.

I wouldn't mind if everyone else left, and the show became House & Cuddy's Snarkalicious Medical Comedy Hour.

And those are the opinions I'm brave enough to post (without pissing off a ton of people!) How about you?

tv - house, tv - doctor who, tv - veronica mars, tv - lost, fandom, bsg

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