May 03, 2006 17:53
Ah, fic. A subject near and dear to my heart, but also rather frustrating right now. I feel like I've read most of the Galactica fic out there (it's such a tiny fandom.) I haven't read any Veronica Mars fic in almost a year, and I know I've missed tons of really good stuff.
So, I'd love a rec or two in either fandom! Y'all know how I'm All About Kara in BSG fandom, so those recs are welcome -- though I wouldn't mind branching out. And with VM, I'm pretty much wide-open with 'ship preferences (except perhaps Weevil and Wallace -- love the characters, but haven't really wanted to read about them.) Links to specific stories would be great, along with maybe a line or two about the premise and/or why you like it so much. Thanks in advance!
tv - veronica mars,