My Unifying Theory of Life.

Nov 26, 2005 17:56

Yay! Now that I'm home, I get to do one of my silly numbered posts. Ah, it's good to be back.

1. After my big Thanksgiving foods post, turns out my sister had ours catered from Central Market. Which was delish, of course, but you can't quite beat canned beans and Stove Top.

2. Am watching Trainspotting; ten years later, it's still my favorite movie ever. And every Ewan role past, present, or future shall pale in comparison to my darling Renton.

3. Today's Target haul was a cheapie sewing machine, which is both hilarious and rather skeery. I plan to use it for finishing off knitted stuff and NOT sewing clothes, because that would be even skeery-er.

4. "Pata Pata" in the Veronica Mars pilot is one of those utterly delightful TV moments we don't see nearly often enough. Love it. Am about to begin collecting caps for my next picspam: "Visual Evidence That Duncan Is Cray-Zee". Also, I'm very proud to have converted two more friends to VM-love. Yay, me.

5. What's up with Black Friday shopping, anyway? My sister, bro-in-law, and I went to CompUSA at midnight Friday to buy a $20 TiVo, and there were already literally 150 people lined up at the register. Um, NO. Our morning trip to Irving Mall was also a bust, though perhaps because it's a sucky mall. Didn't have much luck anywhere else, which is probably for the best. My bank account can't handle it. I'm also attempting to update my Amazon wishlist, but I can't seem to think of stuff to add. Go figure.

6. Why the hell am I so obsessed with writing BSG fic? I've already written so much lately that I'm turning into a broken record, but I want to do more more more. So I think I'll swipe that meme from Bantha and Liz: reply to this with at least one sentence of fic, either VM or BSG, and I'll write the rest. Maybe. I can be slowish, but I do love little drabble memes like this. ;)

7. I really want to make myself a knitting icon. I also want to redesign my LJ layout. Both of these would require reinstalling Photoshop, which is probably pointless since I'll be taking my laptop in for service in the next week or two (assuming I can bear to part with it for that long.)
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