Home sick with excruciating cramps that make me want to curl up and die. On the plus side, I now have Veronica Mars and Arrested Development DVDs! WHEE!!! To celebrate this Holy Day, I hereby present my latest insanity-induced picspam wackiness. This one goes out to
the_royal_anna for being so lovely, to new mom
lisalamona, and to
_jems_ for all her fantabulous caps -- go check out her great new
screencaps site.
Logan Echolls
A Biography in Screencaps
Meet Logan Echolls, Obligatory Psychotic Jackass.
He likes rubbing his nipples...
driving his XTerra...
and taunting Veronica Mars.
In an appallingly poor (yet characteristic) lapse of judgment, he dated Paris Hilton.
To cope with this romantic trauma, he drank a lot and stared at his crotch.
His ex-girlfriend got murdered. Bummer.
Then he got all angsty. Aww.
His dad, Aaron, is a Major Movie Star (and abusive jackass pervy horndog. He's very talented.)
As an act of defiance, Logan stages bumfights. Because he is a bad, tortured boy. Aww.
Daddy? Not amused.
This leads Logan to look strangely unattractive.
Still, they hug for Access Hollywood, even though Logan knows he's gonna get his ass kicked.
And in one fell swoop, thousands of fan(girls) scream "OMIGOD! WOOBIE!!!!"
A major ass kicking doesn't stop his taunting, for he is Logan. Obligatory Psychotic Woobie.
Caught in a desperate search for identity, Logan explores his attraction to Weevil.
Still hung up on that homoeroticism, Logan sucks on various phallic symbols.
The fact that he and Duncan apparently share boxers doesn't help matters.
Logan + alcohol = foreshadowing.
Kissy faces + Veronica = more foreshadowing.
Now we get hints that his feelings for Veronica might be more "tap that ass" than "jackass".
He and Duncan finally kiss and make up. But not in a homoerotic way. Nope.
The world finds out that his horndog dad is screwing around on his mom. Aww.
He angsts at the school counselor. Fan(girls) once again scream "WOOBIE!!!"
They take a detour from the Sears Portrait Studio when Logan gets in trouble.
Mom throws herself off a bridge. Despite all the collagen and silicone, she sinks.
At the wake, Logan accomplishes the triple-feat of being angsty, snarky, AND looking good in a suit.
Then he shows up at Veronica's door for some mystery solvin' and, uh, LoVe.
The investigation into Lynne's death is, of course, a shameless excuse to get close to Veronica.
But it seems to work, for Veronica has all these new ... feelings ... for Logan. Aww.
The audience meets his sister, Trina, thus explaining much of his trauma.
Facing the reality of his mom's death, Logan breaks down in Veronica's arms. ("Woobie!")
As always, Logan copes with the trauma by making a bold decision to eschew pants.
Oh, but he remains as peppy as ever, yet the world is cheated out of him in a cheerleading uniform.
And then, after waiting for far too long (17 episodes), Logan and Veronica FINALLY kiss.
Overwhelmed by the kiss, Logan lounges around in pre-coital bliss.
He surprises Veronica by making a website devoted to their LoVe.
He also hangs out with Dick and Beaver, hoping she'll get the hint and jump his bones.
They officially become The Cutest Couple Ever.
Fangirls write fics titled "I Wuv U Beary Much".
He makes amends for the whole headlight-bashing thing, in a lovely bit of continuity.
Unfortunately, Veronica thinks he raped her, so things get just a wee bit angsty. Aww.
Crushed and lonely, he turns to Weevil.
Of course, he's much prettier when he's angsty.
And if things couldn't get worse, Aaron tries to kill him with crabcakes.
But he loves Veronica beary much, so he tells all his friends to deal with it or kiss his ass.
They then remember that they're The Cutest Couple Ever, so they kiss and make up.
The title is complicated, though, by the fact that he provided the drugs for her date rape. Oopsie.
Veronica starts avoiding him, which causes Logan to angst prettily.
Then he finds out that it's because she thinks he killed Lilly. Uh, sucks to be Logan.
He spirals downward into depression, as evidenced by his poor choice of hair/clothing.
So, in a final play for the title of Most Fucked-Up Woobie Ever, he heads to the bridge o' death.
And thus concludes the first season of Veronica Mars. Will Logan ever make it off the bridge? Will Veronica take him back? Will he ever remember how much fun it was to go pantsless? Tune in Wednesday nights to find out for yourself!
Before we leave, let's take a moment to celebrate Logan: The Man, The Snark.
And while I really do love Duncan, I couldn't resist...
Duncan Kane
A Biography in Screencaps
(Because hey, that pretty much sums him up. ;)