A sitcom character (I'm trying not to spoil it) just made a joke about Peeta Mellark, and without actually saying the title of the book. I suppose that's another sign that The Hunger Games has hit pop culture saturation point, right?
Linda Holmes from MonkeySee actually just had a really good post on
whether THG is building too much buzz for its own good. I originally read the first two books right after Catching Fire came out (thanks again for the rec, Tara!), when the series was still fairly low-key. Well, compared to how it is now! It's still kind of weird how it has become a certified Pop Culture Phenomenon. Not in a bad way or anything, and I'm not trying to assert street cred. ;) It's just fun and strange to see everyone talking about it. I do think the movie will be a huge hit, but Holmes makes a good point about how the incessant hype might be overkill and raise expectations too high. Fans certainly have a tendency to whine when things don't turn out exactly the way they want it, which I suspect will happen no matter how great the movie might be. Whatever the case, I'm definitely counting down the days until the movie premiere!
Also: I really need to make an icon of Effie in her fabulous
Capitol Couture outfit.