today was slightly fucked..

Dec 21, 2006 00:12

so lets see...

i woke up around 11..(normal)

walked the dog and then got online (normal)..

i found out FOB is coming to ATL on the 19th (normal for them but i got flustered anyway) i text'd mom and asked if she'd get me a ticket for my birthday (since its on the 10th..btw) and after some negotiating she said i was all uber excited (normal if you understand my passion for FOB..which i'm sure you do!) so..i call ticketmaster and get put on hold (normal)..after about 5 minutes of waiting i get told that they have no tickets available so of course i was like "WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" which is normal because i've wanted to see FOB for like OVER A yeah i'm kinda pissed at posers right now..because you know they're the only ones that got tickets..grrr..bastards..

so after i find this out i text mom with that and then mention to her that i would've had to ask off work she texts me back with "you don't need to be taking time off. you're full time now blah blah..all i can say is welcome to the adult world" totally pissed me off. so i choose to ignore it and not bitch her out...

i went to work..and while i was at work, Chuck (my boss and the owner), comes over with a revised schedule (i currently work mon - friday 2:30 to close) and asks me if thats ok for a while..well this schedule is sun - thurs (2:30 to close) so i'm like "yeah thats fine" then i think "oh hell yeah..if i can find tickets i can totally go without asking off now! sweet.." this pleases me to no end..but still i'm bummed about the no ticket thing..

oh yeah and kevin did something else stupid today (if you would like to know what he did let me know, i just might tell you)..which has pissed mom off..i chose to not let it bother me since i found out about it while at whole reaction to it was "wtf ever..i'm at work..(while thinking "leave me the fuck alone")" is that bad?

oh and something else..i found an apartment in Marrietta thats like $500 a month..i shall be making phone calls in the morning..
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