Feb 04, 2008 19:02
Envy - When we have a want and use something someone else already has as a variable standard of fulfillment rather than the actual attainment of the something.
Not envy - I want to buy a B26 Saturn. That same kind my neighbour has.
Envy - I want that same car my neighbour has.
Anything we envy can also be desired without envious motivation. It all depends on the focus of your motivation.
Envy can include everything from things we work hard to attain, inherently 'good' goals and wonderful things that would truly make us happy to things we sit around moping about, truly selfish goals and things that provide short term enjoyment, but leave us empty.
No matter what it is you want or how you end up trying to get it, there is only one outcome. Unfulfillment. When you don't personalize a desire of your heart and make it your own, either you'll get what you wanted but be left empty, or you'll find what you wanted out of reach and seemingly unattainable.
While envy can be followed by either action or inaction, fulfillment of our own desires always require planning and action (Even if it's to be a great and ruthless dictator lol). Then, since we owned our own desires, we know exactly why we wanted it and what we planned to get out of it and can enjoy it for as long as it will last... and maybe deciding it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. But what counts was knowing how to get there and being able to do it again for the next desire of our heart.
And I found these quotes hilarious!
“Envy consists in seeing things never in themselves, but only in their relations. If you desire glory, you may envy Napoleon, but Napoleon envied Caesar, Caesar envied Alexander, and Alexander, I daresay, envied Hercules, who never existed.”
"Envy feeds on the living. It ceases when they are dead." - Ovid
"All the world is competent to judge my pictures except those who are of my profession." - William Hogarth