Nov 06, 2004 15:11
Halloween party was a total blast. Loved it like a fat girl loves cake. Or is it cock? I never really read the lyrics to that song. Either way, Im sure you get the idea.
So Bush won. I know its not popular but I voted for him. Im no republican, but I could not, in good concious vote for kerry. Hes like a car dealer with the shittyest lemon on the lot, telling you how shitty it is as he tries to sell it to you for ten large. What the hell? Bush's social issues are totaly fucked and i hate that, but I have faith (i know I really shouldnt...) that those issues will be crushed in congress.
Interesting though, Bush clearly won and with a republican congress, which is usualy not the case. If the majority of the people are pleased with Bush and his actions (which it appears they are)... Maybe the Right's stance on abortion and gay marrage (though i don't share in that sentiment) is correct because a majority of people think its correct. The majority should always win, as Jefferson said... but the rights of the minority should be respected. So is abortion our right? Gay marrage? If the legality is up for question then maybe not. Still, I think that the guvment should keep their fucking nose out of my abortion addiction and hot gay sex... lousy pervs...
Austin...ahhh, I can't wait to get there, but I've got to keep my grades up. History and philosophy are my big problems right now, with physics coming in strong next semester. There is always tcc over the summer to up me a little. Gotta make that 3.7... Hoi
later fuckers