Day 5 & 6: The sorry-I-had-to-work Edition

Dec 17, 2014 19:06

Day 5, hello - BtVS/Mercy Thompson, Buffy/Samuel, PG

title: hello
fandom: BtVS/Mercy Thompson
Summary: In which Samuel has jitters and Buffy and Bran meet for the first time.
disclaimer: I claim. I don't own.
A/N: Short, but I hope you like?
prompt: Kerrykhat asked for BtVS/Mercy Thompson - Buffy/Samuel - continuation of this verse.

This is where the cool kids party (AO3 is paying).


Day 6, Monster Race - Pacific Rim/FatF, Raleigh & Chuck

title: Monster Race
fandom: Pacific Rim/ Fast and the Furious
Summary: In which Raleigh is bad at being Brian, Chuck makes a decent Dom (and the title is useless).
disclaimer: I claim. I don't own.
A/N: I did my best, but it's still shortish and the boys get hurt, because the boys always get hurt. Forgive me?
prompt: Jedibuttercup asked for PacRim/FatF - reverse fusion

I might be running out of useless things to put into the link title.

fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: mercy thompson series, author: pprfaith, pairing: het, crossover, fandom: pacific rim, fandom: fast and furious, pairing: gen, rating: pg, rating: r

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