Day 1: raised together - BtVS/Thor, Gen

Dec 16, 2014 22:33

title: raised together
rating: FR13
disclaimer: BtVS and all related characters are copyright of Joss Whedon and ME. Thor and all related characters are copyright of Marvel Entertainment, Paramount Pictures and Stan Lee. No infringement intended.
prompt: xgirl2222/BtVS, Thor (MCU)/Continuation of the oddinsdottir ‘verse. Buffy, Thor and Loki meet for the first time.

summary: Thor is drunk, Loki is bored and Asgard celebrates a new heir apparent.

Merrymaking could still be heard from the Hall of Asgard as their people rejoiced with the announcement of a new heir apparent. The newest member of their family was a female child that Frigga had held throughout the coronation and well into the evening festivities. This had prevented most from interacting with the child, but Thor-as usual-had eventually worked his way onto the stage and enough into their mother’s favor to be allowed to hold Freyja.

Thor had presented himself to their new sister, and the crowd, with his usual enthusiasm thus frightening the child. She’d surprised Loki by not crying, but those green eyes had stared up at Thor solemnly until he realized the error of his ways and returned her to their mother. Loki had caught the gentle curving of Frigga’s mouth at the interaction between his siblings and they shared a smile before he too was presented with their sister. Their mother had held onto the child and Loki had been given only the barest of moments to interact with Freyja.

She’d watched him with narrowed eyes, mistrustful that he too would snatch her from the haven of Frigga’s arms. Freyja would learn which brother was clever as he merely grasped one of her small hands and bestowed a kiss across smaller knuckles. The cheer from the crowd had been deafening and Loki found himself grateful that he had no recollection of his own coronation.

Thor had caught his shoulder and turned them back so that they stood together before their people. The arm across his shoulders was heavy, but his mother placed himself at his other side and he found the will to smile. Crowds of that significance had always unsettled Loki while Thor thrived under the scrutiny of thousands.

Many of those same Asgardians were still enjoying the festivities while he and his brother were ushered off to bed and Thor’s arm was still heavy across his shoulders. At some point during the evening his brother had filched a flask of mead and was currently sipping from it as they made their way towards the hall they shared. While Thor was oldest he was still not of the age to be drinking such things. Their mother would be displeased-this however did not stop Loki from accepting the flask from Thor and taking his own drink of it.

They ascended the stairs and Loki took another drink before handing it back to his brother. The arm across his shoulders pulled him in tighter before it released and Thor spun with a flourish to walk up the stairs backwards so that he might speak to his brother face to face. The wide smile and flush to his cheeks had Loki assuming this was not the first flask of Thor’s evening.

“Freyja.” Thor made their sister’s name a statement and Loki raised a brow in question which prompted Thor to continue, “What do you think of her?”

“She’s rather small.”

He’d expected the usual rebuttal to his flippant response, but Thor nodded his agreement and spoke, voice grave with understanding, “Aye.” Perhaps Thor had helped himself to several other flasks of mead and his next few words confirmed it. “I like her.”

“She did manage to put you in your place.” Loki offered and hoped his brother well as he continued to move swiftly up the stairs while his back was to them. He uncrossed his arms in preparation of catching a falling sibling.

“Aye.” There was a note of pride to that one.

A snort escaped him and Thor’s gaze narrowed, blue eyes-similar to his own and Frigga’s and nothing at all like Freyja’s-gazed down at him from two steps above making his already substantial height taller still. Loki hurried up the next three steps to place himself at eyelevel before prompting, “Yes, brother?”

A hand found his shoulder, shoving him back and up a step before Thor laughed and continued to lead them up the stairs. “We’ll have to fight many a suitor because of our little Freyja.”

“Have mother’s sight now, have you?”

It was Thor’s turn to snort. “She’s of our blood, brother. Of course she’ll have suitors.”

Amusement raised both brows at Thor’s unique ability to compliment others while still complimenting himself. He rolled his eyes-at least this time Thor had been kind enough to include him. “I couldn’t agree more.”

“Of course you couldn’t!” The arm was back and he stumbled as they reached the landing.

Thor’s grip on his shoulder kept him upright and steered him towards the balcony attached to their hall rather than their bedchambers. He ducked his head to hide the smirk at the predictability of his brother and his antics. Instead he looked out at the city, the buildings that shimmered in the light. Some believed the light Odin’s doing-harvested from a stars-but Frigga assured them that the light had been present before Bor and would likely be there long after they had all turned to dust.

Asgard was a world onto itself and the sky beyond that light was blanketed with stars and glimpses into the other nine realms. Heimdall was the only Asgardian that could see into all the realms at once and Loki envied him that sight. He settled himself onto the bench that ran along the outside of the balcony so that he too was bathed in light as Thor towered over him. The flask had fallen, forgotten at his side as he gazed out at the city.

“We shall keep her safe.” Thor looked down at him and clarified, “Asgard. We shall keep Asgard safe. Always.”

A brow rose at such a turn in topic, but Loki nodded his agreement. “Of course we will.” He smiled and couldn’t help but add, “The city shall be whole and the people healthy when our new sister ascends to the throne.”

“Aye,” Thor agreed, “Freyja, Queen of Asgard. I like the sound of it.” His smile spread as he countered, “But not as much as Thor, King of Asgard.”

“Don’t you mean Loki, King of Asgard?” He joined in the tired game of theirs with a grin and snatched the flask from his lax grip.

“Asgard could do worse.”

He snorted at Thor’s rebuttal and winced as the wine burned his noise and his brother’s laughter burned his ears. Thor settled himself beside him easily, the warmth he radiated-much like the light that flooded the city-washed over Loki. He ignored the way it warmed his usually cool skin and instead drank from the flask once more. There was a sweetness to this mead that sat peculiar on his tongue, but flavor was merely an afterthought when adolescence and mead were mixed.

Thor retrieved the flask from him and dropped it unceremoniously to the floor. He spared his brother a withering look, but saw Thor turned towards the darkened hall. While the city remained lit the interior of their home darkened when their father willed it. Thor rose and Loki shadowed him as he made his way into the hallway. It was then he heard as his brother did: the sound of footfalls, soft on stone and quick as a hare’s.

Loki moved to place himself beside his brother as they rounded the first corner. He paused at the sight of their new sibling alone in the hall and fell back as Thor continued forward. She stared up at their brother with those wide eyes and he stopped before reaching her. Thor fell to one knee with a flourish and presented her with an outreached hand.

“M’lady, you should not be alone in these halls.” Loki raised a brow at the gentle tone and wondered if his brother more adaptable than most, himself included, thought. Freyja looked first to Thor and then to Loki, but she kept one hand on the wall and other firmly gripped her dressing gown. Thor drew her focus back to him by prompting, “Are you looking for mother?”

A pointed chin-that was at odds with her round cheeks-dipped in rapid agreement. She spoke, voice barely above a whisper and Loki frowned at the note of anxiety. “Momma?”

“We shall take you to mother, Loki and I.” Thor dipped his hand, drew her attention to it, “I swear to it.”

Loki found her gaze once more settled on his face and he sighed before stepping forward. He knelt beside his brother, making their little sister much closer to them in height before he agreed. “We shall deliver you to her.”

She studied them both-a measuring look that would’ve sat more comfortable on Heimdall’s face than a child’s-before she wrapped her fingers around the edge of Thor’s hand. He smiled at the show of trust and requested, “May I carry you, little one? Our journey will be swifter if you allow it.”

Teeth worked at her lower lip a moment before she nodded her agreement. Thor accepted the nod and swept her into his arms, settling her easily on the hip closest to Loki. She turned her head so that she could look down at Loki and he inclined his head to her before rising.

“Did we wake you?” Thor’s question brought her focus back to him and she watched him as he led them back the way their sister had come and towards the chambers their mother used when one of them took ill. Her fingers played with the embroidery at the neckline of Thor’s tunic before she shrugged. Loki watched as Thor’s free hand came up to embrace their sister, nearly spanning her entire back. He stated, more for Loki than Freyja, “She is shaking.”

Loki quickened his stride so that he walked next to them and found their sister watching him. Her face was damp across her forehead and down her cheeks, but there was no flush to her face that spoke of fever. “Fear not, little one, we shall keep you safe.”

Thor’s words echoed his promise to keep Asgard safe and, Loki supposed, Freyja and their home were now one and the same, but their sister swiveled her head to frown at their brother. She stated, voice indigent, “I keep me safe.”

“As you should,” Loki agreed and watched her turn that affronted gaze to him. “We are Odin’s children.”

Some of the tension around her eyes eased and she studied him with an intensity that reminded him of the All Father. Her head inclined before one of her hands slipped away from the neckline of Thor’s tunic and was presented to him. Loki’s gaze left her face to study that small hand a moment before he accepted it. He felt the shivering Thor spoke of and tucked her knuckles beneath his thumb.

The joining of their hands made their steps awkward a moment before he and Thor fell into their familiar rhythm. His brother caught his gaze and smiled. Cheeks flushed with the warmth of the mead, but his gaze softened when it turned to their sister-his brother had always been a touch sentimental.

Loki looked down at Freyja’s much smaller hand tucked within his own and thought himself much the same.

rating: pg-13, fandom: avengers, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, pairing: gen, fanfiction, author: avamclean, crossover

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