So tonight I braved two different remakes back to back and I survived. The best thing about this was that I didn't have to go through the whole downloading hassle.
Being Human on Syfy (Mondays @ 9pm est) wasn't that bad. The first episode had some pacing issues (not!Annie's first conversation with Aidan and not!George went on a bit long) but Mark Sheppard is strong and I liked it enough to follow along to see how it ends up. Not!Mitchell pings me the wrong way, like there were moments I wanted to transfer him to another show like TVD or throw him into the background of Twilight but then there were moments where he seemed to relax and he didn't bother me. (Though we share dimpled chins in common, he still left me cold at parts.) Mark Sheppard's character is totally Aidan's jilted ex who doesn't understand how he could leave his riches of massacre and mayhem for quaint domesticity with a werewolf and I hope not!George's sister sticks around just to make things different.
Favorite part:
Landlord: It's a good place for couples.
Not!George: What?!
Not!Mitchell: (shrugs) It's okay.
Favorite character (so far): not!George which is odd because in the original Mitchell is my favorite. Hmm...maybe part of it is this not!George feels a little more assertive and present than the original, or less likely to bumble as much. Maybe it was the dress.
Skins USA
Well. For the first three fourths I didn't want to be watching it, but the last fifteen minutes picked up a bit; of course my distaste for the show decreased as they stopped focusing on the poor stand in for Tony, so that had something to do with it.
My biggest problem is Tony. Okay, Tony is a dick of a character, especially in the first season, but he had a charisma and gravitas to him that made thee way people followed him sensible. This Tony, from the moment he started talking, just didn't exude that vibe to me. Because he didn't exude that spirit, I just don't understand why so many characters fall over themselves for him. Maybe the actor will grow into the role as the series progresses but I don't really plan to stick around for it. Honestly, I think the actors who play Stanley and Tony could switch.
Differing censorship standards really affected this show as well. Gosh golly boy it did. If there was a better writing staff, they'd figure out how to write around the things they can't mention without churning out horrible dialog; though too urban, too urban was funny.
Tea is a fine character but I really wish they hadn't sacrificed Maxxie for her presence; but I am going to watch her episode since it can't possibly be the same as Maxxie's. (oh damn, I best not have just jinxed myself! j/k her preview doesn't look similar)
Chris is my favorite but that's not saying a lot. Part of it is that he's funny and I have residual love from the original .
Favorite part: The fight/party scene just for 'too urban, too urban'.
I've heard that certain plot points do diverge and I think that's a good thing. Towards the end the cast felt more like a group so maybe there is hope for the show to improve a bit, but Skins hasn't figured out how to deal with censorship issues and I'm not even looking forward to the Tony-Michelle-Stanley stuff. As much as I don't care for it, I think it will do okay; it'll probably get good/great numbers thanks to the Jersey Shore lead in and interest about the remake, but a dropoff wouldn't surprise me.
Between the two, BH was more enjoyable for me than Skins and I'm going to most likely keep up with it for a while. Skins, I'm going to probably drop in if I'm feeling bored and for Tea's episode to see what they do, but I have limited tv time and I'm not going to spend most of it on this show (especially with the new UK one coming out soon that I want to try).